Saturday, August 9, 2014

An eventful day

Catching up with Mr Wong

 Hello….from “The Apple Isle”! We arrived in Devonport at around 6:00am this morning, having all survived the treacherous boat ride on the Spirit of Tasmania! Actually, the truth be told, it was a very calm night and many of us were lulled to sleep by the gentle swaying of the boat as soon as our heads hit the pillow. No matter how well we slept though, there were still many bleary eyed kids, having been woken up at 5:45am by the announcement of our arrival over the loud speakers. 

Cradle Mountain National Park
A Tasmanian tree-hugger! 

We had breakfast at Maccas and afterwards were able to stroll over to the port where we met up with Mr Wong, who is now living in Tasmania. After a lovely, chilly catch up, we hopped back on the bus and headed to Cradle Mountain. We wound our way through beautiful green hills, past crops and sheep, and through the tall trees. After a at ’99 bottles of milk on the wall’ and a full rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, we gladly arrived at Cradle Mountain! Unfortunately, there was no snow to play in but we could see snow along the tops of the mountains. For some, it was the closest they had ever come to snow. We’re actually praying that will change…. they’re expecting snow down to 300m tonight, and we’re staying at Poatina, which is 700m!
A very informative tour in a couple of small tour buses in the World Heritage Listed area, took us for a closer look at Dove Lake, a picturesque lake at the foot of Cradle Mountain. Obviously this wasn’t quite close enough for some, and exploring the shores gave Martin the opportunity to have a more intimate look! Unfortunately, the rocks intervened, at the expense of his wrist. [Thank you Martin for "suffering" which allowed us to ‘hit-up’ the shops (I found the best shop! – ‘Reliquaire’: Mrs A.) in the town of LaTrobe when we detoured for you to have your x-ray taken; an un-scheduled addition to our itinerary! ….and for being 'exhibit A' in the first of our evening devotion/discussion times on "suffering"]                                                                                                                                                         
Football @ Latrobe

The return of 'The football' in a (vacant) car park and watching the movie ‘Frozen’ in the bus outside the hospital ended up saving our wallets…… especially as we had already enjoyed time in the town of Sheffield, famous for it’s murals on many of the town’s buildings earlier in the day. Let me tell you, after all this we were all very glad to get to Poatina for a later-than-scheduled dinner date!




  1. To my beautiful daughter Jessica. I am very proud of u. May god continue 2 bless u and your party as u travel. Lots u Los Mum. Emma and Jack send their love :))

  2. Imagine a calm crossing to Tassie! How soft! Lol. Bring on the snow. To the most sensational daughter in the galaxy, Jaslyn, keep smiling, have fun, soak it all in (not the snow!) and say 'hi' to the rest of the mob from me. Dad

  3. Hey Bethany, love the tree hugging photo! Hope your having a great time and that you get to see your first snow! Love to you from mum & dad, and the kids says 'hi' as well.

  4. To our precious daughter Alycia, We are enjoying the updates. Praying continual blessings on you all. We know lots of joyful memories will be made. Your sisters send their love and miss u too. Have fun ☺love Mum Dad Olivia & Isabelle xo

  5. Hi there Betharoodle! We are missing you heaps, but hope you are having a great time. Thx for the phone call, it was great to hear your smiling voice. Hope you get snowed upon soon, and are staying nice and warm. Counting down the days. With love from your crazy, embarrassing family who are missing you like crazy.LOL#/:)G2G Bye Blossom

  6. Hi Sam and Jarryd. Hope your having an amazing time and making memories to last a lifetime.
    One concern, Sam, please tell me you didn't spend all your money at the lolly shop on the first day????
    Love you both. Mum

  7. Hi Melissa S, Hope you are enjoying the experience of Tassie with your friends and not your parents this time. I hope it snows soon so you can make snow angels and have snow ball fights. Lots of love Mum, Dad, Bronco and Dipper. xoxo

  8. Hey Rodney, We hope you are enjoying your experience of Tasmania. The house is really quiet without you. Your room has stayed clean. I hope it snows for you soon, I know will enjoy the Snow Ball fights. We miss you heaps. If your dad were with us today, I know he would be very proud of the young man you have become. I am very proud of how far you have come since his passing. Love, Mum, Daryn & Lexie

  9. Hey Rodney, looks like you and your classmates are having a great time. We hope you might see some snow too given how cold it is in Tasmania at present. Look forward to hearing your stories on your safe return. GAP and K&S :)

  10. Hi Jessica, miss u. Very proud of u and make sure u take a few risks on your adventure. Love mum. Emma and Jack say hi. God bless.

  11. Sending a big hello to Georgia from her Grandparent in Leeton. They just wanted to wish you the best darling & are very sorry they didn't call before you left. Missing heaps but are so happy your are having this time to learn & share this fabulous experience with you friends :) love Nan, Pop, Mum, Dad, Emma & Jacob xx ps keep safe !!
