Thursday, August 14, 2014

Soaking up the sun…..

What a magic day! Clear blue skies, no wind, and plenty of opportunities to be out enjoying the weather. It’s almost hard to believe that we are in Tasmania in winter! Eric-the-bus-driver introduced us to the current Hobart Town [as distinct from the one we had already visited] where we were lucky enough to [still] see snow on Mt. Wellington, and the Aurora Australis in dock…what an impressive ship! Everyone appreciated Eric’s knowledge and insights delivered in his usual ‘hysterical’ style [Who said history wasn’t fun?]

Snow on Mt. Wellington!

The [Antarctic ship] Aurora Australis 

Once we’d left Hobart behind, we settled in to watching the next installment of ‘For the Term of His Natural Life’ ….but not before a quick Karaoke session up the back of the bus capably led by Conner, Chris and crew….now what was it they were singing? Georgia W was very excited to arrive in the historic township of Ross around 11:00 for a late morning tea/early lunch with her grandparents.  I’m sure they were just as excited as she was! The rest of us enjoyed the break in the trip to wander along the historic streetscape, maybe checking out the woodwork shop or wool shop/museum, or just enjoy soaking up the sun. Of course, the takeaway food shop received more than a few visitors as well!

Soaking up the sun in 'Ross'

'Jodie' the mascot wombat getting lots of attention

From Ross we headed straight to Launceston for a lunch of hot noodles and cheese and bacon rolls, which sustained us as we ventured to walk along the Cataract Gorge. A great chance to stretch our legs and enjoy the beauty of our surroundings….and for maybe one last ‘group photo’ before we leave Tassie.

Lunch time

Swing bridge at the start of the Cataract Gorge walk

Where are you off to Mr G?

Good friends….good times…...

….good memories!

We had time for one last port of call before we headed to the boat… the Ashgrove Cheese Factory. An interesting talk about how cheese is made was listened to by a tired but attentive and respectful group of students…very impressed! Of course the ‘tasting’ session was appreciated by everyone, so too, the resident cows out the front of the complex!

Do you want some cheese?

Talk about taking the bull by the horns!! [trouble is….. it is a cow!]

The ‘Last Supper’ was a buzz of excitement as everyone realized that the time had come to head back to the mainland; Mr G had preempted this by asking us to discuss “What have you bought to take back home?” and “What are you looking forward to most about returning home?” ….lots of excited chatter over Roast Lamb or Chicken Parmi, overlooking the river and boat. Lets hope we don’t get to repeat this scenario (minus the excited chatter) later in the evening; should be okay as a calm crossing has been predicted!


  1. Oh that's a very nice photo of you & Nicola, Georgia :)
    Yay can't wait to see you home safe & sound tomorrow. Love Mum xx

  2. Nice pose Rodney. Great pic of you all. Safe travels home. Can't wait to hear about all of your wonderful adventures.
