Friday, August 10, 2012

After a rather chilly start to the day we launched into the Tassie Tour 2012. Before we left the car park we had the first call of, yes, you guessed it... "Are we there yet?" Everyone settled in with their bus buddies and got comfortable.

Morning Tea was spent with Ned Kelly in Beechworth... Lolly shop and bakery... What else could we ask for?

We got a closer look at Wangaratta than anticipated due to an accident on the hwy, but no need to worry, Eric had it under control. Cards across the aisle passed the time and before we knew it we were stopping for lunch.

Hannah Clarke was surprised by a birthday cake and Miss Mansley and Mrs Meyer were surprised by the way that some Yr 9s ate the cake!! Happy Birthday, Hannah!!

Tom thought he found his future wife on the Melbourne Ring Rd ... But sadly he was mistaken.

Just a couple of hours before we set out to sea. Just enough time for some dinner and some energy release!

Next installment will be from Tassie.

Lots of love to all our families at home!  Don't forget to write comments. We are looking forward to hearing from you all. 

PS... There will be a radio interview on LIFE FM 101.9 at 2pm Sunday and 5pm Thursday.  Tune in!


  1. Ah the memories are flooding back! I hope you all have a fantastic time in Tassie, cherish every moment because before you know it you'll be back in Wagga!

  2. I hope you guys have an AWESOME time in Tassie and make the most of it because this time next year you'll be wishing that you were going back there... like I am right now!


  3. Boo!!

    Have a fantastic time everyone!
    Its an amazing journey that none of you will forget!

    i hope Willy Waltoncalf is alright! ;)

  4. Hope you all have a great time! Love Maria (Louies mum), Dave, Mackenna and Jack xxoo ps you had better have bought us a huge bag of black jellybeans at Beechworth Louie!

  5. Sounds like a great start; love the pics. God bless you all, praying for a safe and enjoyable trip for you all :)
    PS: Happy Birthday Hannah. Enjoy the Adventures of Fluffy. Love the scarf Sal

  6. Looks like lots of fun. Happy birthday Hannah! Safe crossing :). Melanie & Anthony (Kate's m&d)

  7. Enjoy the boat ride and have fun in the snow tomorrow. I hope it is warmer in Tassie than Wagga. Shane & Racquel

  8. Good Morning every one how was the boat trip last night hope you all enjoyed it and there was no one sick kids.Carnt wait to see more pictures love to all from tahlia parents debbie and lance.

  9. Good morning everyone, hope you all had a great trip over Strait and everyone stayed well. Have a great time at cradle Mountain and touring Sheffield. God bless you all. Jen :)
    PS: How are The Adventures of FUZZY progressing?

  10. heey guys i hope you having fun i sent you's a message earlier but dont know where it went hope the boat ride wasent to stressing and your having a great time wish i could be there hope your all safe and well love you all xoxo lots of love ebbie xoxo
