Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tom doing some cleaning
Trinity College kids

Our kids singing with Trinity College
Sorry for the delay in this post... we had a few technical difficulties yesterday.

So what happened yesterday?  In the morning we packed up and went to a meeting with the Poatina community.  Parents, you would have been so impressed with the comments made about the maturity and friendliness of your kids.  The hard work that they had put in the previous day was greatly appreciated and they were so surprised by what the kids had managed to achieve.

Before we left we met with the students of Trinity College (Poatina's K-12 school).  They taught us a song which we hope to share when we get back sometime.

Kangaroo wearing Kye's hat
Tyne the Kangaroo whisperer

In the afternoon we visited Bonorong Wildlife Park where we got to interact with many of Australia's unique animals.  The noises made by the Tassie Devil definitely got our attention!

Hopefully we will blog again tonight if we can get the system to cooperate.

We miss you all!!


  1. looks like yous are having a great time cant wait for the stories missing you all like crazy. heey Hannah i taped Monday night once upon a time missed Sunday's episode cause went out for dinner and though i set timmer but sadly didnt. love to hear from you all. love to all xoxo love ebbie xoxox

    1. Hi Ebbie. Thanks for taping the show. I got a moo cow from the Cadbury factory, so now Fuzzy has a friend. Missing you like crazy. Love Hanza

    2. heey darlin YaY!!! fuzzy has a friend whats his/her name ? guessing your eating chocie and are having the time of your life lot of love ebbie xoxo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ahhh Aussie animals....nothing like them anywhere else. Up close and personal is the best way to appreciate them too. LOVE the pics :) Missed your blog last night, so great to hear from you today.

    Hope you all enjoyed the CADBURY factory today <3 and the tour of Richmond.

    Miss you Sal; it's soooo quiet without you :(

    God bless you all. Love Jen :)

  4. Wonderful news that all your hard work was appreciated. Hopefully you expended enough energy that the extra calories at the chocolate factory today won't make any differnce. Enjoy!

  5. Hi Bambi. Hope you are having fun and aren't too cold. Did you get lots of chocolate at Cadbury's? It's very quiet here without you. We are all missing you, especially Pippa. She has been mistaking my bed for hers recently.... the haircut I gave her should help her see the difference :P Lots of love, mum, dad, B & C

  6. Hi Az, I hope you remembered your mum today at the chocolate factory?
    Missing our chats,it is so quiet at home.
    I hope you are taking lots of photos and keeping some kind of journal?
    Good to see you and Eth having a sing along at Trinity College...beautiful vocals I'm sure ☺
    Love Mum xxx

  7. Hi everyone, great to see the blog back up. Can't wait to hear all your adventures - it looks like there'll be heaps of stories to tell. Must be skit night soon!!!!! Miss you Kate, love Mum, Dad & Billy (the dog)

  8. Hi Louie, can't wait for our choccies. Tezza and Tetley say Hi! Love Mum and Dave xx

  9. Hi everyone. Loved the photo of the kangaroo and your hat Kye. Thanks for your phone call. Talk to you soon.

  10. Hey year9!,hope all is going well,I'm liking the photos particularly kyes hat on the roo,they look fairly content! See you guys Monday I think :)
