Sunday, August 12, 2012

How good is sleep!!  We had a slightly later start this morning, which meant we could have a well earned sleep in.  Church was at 10 so we took a stroll around Poatina and enjoyed the mountain scenery.

Church was great and we got to hear a little about Kevin's plans for the new Poatina Arts Centre and the way that God challenged the direction he thought he was supposed to be heading.  The kids enjoyed meeting some of the members of the community - particularly the little kids.  Madleen was a hit with Luca, who thought she was wonderful.
Steph and the kids
Madleen and Luca
After another fantastic meal we headed to the Poatina Arts Centre where we spent a couple of hours in service. Everyone worked hard and so much was cleared in preparation for work to occur tomorrow. They were "amazingly amazing". Check out the before and after shoots as well as the muscles on the workers!!
After 1

After 2
Go Mr Bacon!
Anything you can do we can do better!!
The rubbish we moved
Evidence of hard work
Some students even had the energy to take on a bush walk others took advantage of some relaxation time.  Some of the bush walkers, Louis and Aaron, discovered they had a few hitchhikers in the form of Tasmanian leaches. They were quickly removed and dispatched!

We are just about to start devotions for the evening.

Thanks for all the comments and love.  We miss you all!!


  1. Hello tahlia hope you are having fun.Miss you and love you heaps mum xoxoxo

    1. Hi Mum. I miss you too. Hope all is well at home.I have so many stories to tell when I get home.

  2. Hey Brock. This is take 2. My first blog commented on me being talented at getting this to work, but evidently it failed the first time. Still, I bet you are amazed that we are up & running. Nan & Pop are now following the general blog. The pic of the boys is a good one. We are all missing you, including Abby. Hope you are having fun.
    Love all of us.

    1. sorry I didn't set it up before I left. Sorry about leaving the chocolate on the blinds too. Having an interesting time. Hi Nan and Pop. See you Friday. Say hi to Danika and Abby for me. Brock

      Miss Mansley says Hi to Joel.

    2. Tick saying Hi to Danika. Tick advising Abby u miss her. Dad says that we added cream & nuts to the chocolate & had a family dessert bar.

    3. Have fun. We miss you. I thought you come home Sunday. Of course I'd know that if I had the itinerary! This is better anyway, because it is truly amazing to here what your doing each day. We need to confirm coming home day, then time.
      Love from all of us.

  3. Funny we were just talking about how much leeches like Louie and I recently. Sounds like you are all having a wonderful time. Love to you all, Maria, Dave and kids xxoo

  4. Great work with the cleanup guys and gals :) Looks like you're all having so much fun, meeting new friends, helping out and sharing these memorable experiences together.
    Missed your help with my service this morning Sal. Judy is following the blog now :) Enjoy every moment of this trip, particularly when you feed the Tassie devils tomorrow.
    How are the Adventures of Fuzzy going/ Lots of pics?
    God bless you all. Love Jen :)

  5. Hi Becca,good to see that you're happy. Weather's nice today - sunny. How's Willy Waltoncalf going (I haven't seen him in the photos - thought he might have been thrown overboard into the Bass Strait....) Fish are still alive - Dad's feeding them. Keep enjoying your trip. Lots of love from Mum & Dad, Daniel and Matty xxxooo

  6. Hi Sarah, great to see photos of you. Tasmania really looks like a beautiful place. Hope you keep enjoyimg it.

  7. Hi Aaron, great to see you all having a wonderful time. The scenery is amazing.
    You all did a great job with the cleanup...well done, I'm sure it was very much appreciated.
    The Today programme was filming at the Cadbury chocolate factory today, it was amazing how many caramello koalas they produce a day!
    Anyway have a great night love Mum xxx

  8. Hi Guys,
    I can see that you are all having an amazing time.
    I hope Ethan & all my boys are keeping warm!!
    Love you sweetheart & miss you.
    xxxxxx oooooo

  9. Hi Kate, very quiet without you. Billy still looking for you, fish don't know you're gone. Loved your service at Poatina. Love Mum & Dad

  10. Boo!

    Hey everyone!
    Glad you are all having a great time!

  11. Hey everyone!! Hope u guys are having a great time an are not missing me too much ;) hope u are making lots of memory's to remember 4ever!!!!!! I am soo jelly as well :DD

  12. hi everyone hope you are having a great time. This week is so quiet with year 12 and year 9 away. i'm so lonely. at this moment i am in Mr Gilmours year 11 business study class and as you can see i am really busy teaching. this week tristan, bayden and josh are here. they are going to be doing some hard work tomorrow around the school. well its home care time.....without you....sigh. miss you loads and keep having fun xx

  13. Hi courdy,
    I bet your wondering how I got this to you. I still don't know myself hahaha. That was hectic!!!! Yeeewwwww..
    It looks like you are all having an amazing time.
    I'm loving all the photos on the blog.
    So it looks like we can add some more chores to your list. Hahahaha
    P.S your little sister has taken up residence in your bedroom, I think your going to find it hard to get her out now. She loooovvvveeeeesssss your bed. I cannot get her out. I think she misses her big sister...
    On the serious note. We love and miss you so very much and cannot wait for you to get home so we can give you a massive hug and get you on your way to new chores. Hahahaha
    Sending big massive hugs and kisses to you.
    Thank you all the staff for all your dedication and support to us families.

  14. The sleep-in sounds perfect after what I'm sure has been a busy trip! Poatina's mountain scenery must have been a lovely backdrop for a relaxed morning. By the way, if anyone's looking for SEO in Wagga Wagga to help share more about these amazing excursions, there are some great local experts who can make sure your stories reach a wider audience.
