Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One word... Chocolate!! Today was the day we had all been waiting for! Leaving our before we really wanted to we headed to town early for our Cadbury visit.  You will be pleased to know that the bottom of the bus is now 'choc-a-block' with treats to bring home!

We then headed to Richmond to see the oldest continually functioning church, the famous Richmond Bridge and a scale model of Old Hobart Town.  We topped this off with a visit to the Bakery for lunch. You will never guess what else was there??  Yep, another Lolly Shop!

The afternoon was spent in Hobart city and we visited the Old Hobart Penitentiary and Chapel.

When we returned we managed to fit in a bit of free time.  Some students played basketball or on the trampoline, some went for a nanna nap and others went to the beach.  It was nice to spend some time hanging out together.

The weather has been fantastic but it has started to rain tonight and we have heard that a change is coming through.

Tonight at devotions we talked about how God can, and will, equip us to share our faith.

We have a few tired bodies but so far everyone is holding up fairly well.

Tomorrow we head to Port Arthur and do an eco cruise. The adventure continues.


  1. I hope that you have some of those 'choc-o-blocks' Ethan.
    Love you.

  2. Has Rebekah left chocolate and lollies in any of the shops she's visited? :)

  3. Hey Team, Mr Davey here. It looks like your all having a swell time, and i hope all the teachers can say the same.

    Whenever i ask any of your siblings here at school if they miss their bro/sis there is soo much tears and sadness ;);)

    We are missing Mr Gilmore in our staff room, he had better come back soon, Mr Wong is eyeing of some of your desk space...a land grab is imminent, nar just joking, we here in the TAS/Science staff room work to hard for that kind of silly business

    Also i haven't checked year9M's germ petri dishes since last week...i might save that for when you return

    God bless, stay safe.
    Mr Davey

  4. Hi everyone. Can't wait to hear all the stories when you get home. Louie I transferred a bit more money into your account today (doesn't mean you have to use it though :P). Love to all, Maria and Dave xxoo

  5. Hey all, hope you've had a great day. Make the most of the last bit as it will be over all too soon. It will be great to have you all back at wwcc - we do really miss you all. Safe travels Mrs Ireland

    1. Hi Mum. Can we have Steak and vegetables for tea Friday night?

  6. I thought all the blue sky in the photos was too good to be true!! Hopefully the change in the weather doesn't create too many problems for you. It is great to see you all making the most of every opportunity and living out the long-awaited adventure...the memories you're making now will travel with you for a long time. I'm hoping this 'comment' will finally get through to you Isaac, after all my previous attempts (you are well aware that I am 'technologically challenged!) Lots of love to you all....

  7. Becca!! I hope you got me some chocolate! That is all... I hope you guys are having a sick time :D


  8. Mmmmm CHOCOLATE !!!

    How was Port Arthur ? Missing you guys, HEAPS :(

    hAVE A GREAT DAY TODAY. sAFE TRIP BACK ON THE BOAT. enjoy every moment !!!

    God bless. Love Jen :)

  9. Hi everyone. Sounds like you are having an awesome time. Enjoy the last couple of days.
