Sunday, August 9, 2015

Flying high

It's Sunday! And that means a sleep in….. Breakfast at 8 is actually quite civilised! Followed by your choice of activity until time for church.

     Anyone for a game of cards?             Brooklyn's choice of souvenirs has been marvellous!

PD time….

All eyes to Vicki…

It's still Sunday! And that means we had the blessing of attending church with the Poatina community. After breakfast we walked to the small community hall, where we were welcomed by Poatina villagers, and helped run the service. Students opened with singing that lifted the spirits of everyone present. Luke Graham, Nicholas Van Honk and Isabella K-M shared their story as a testimony of how God has been present and working in their lives. With a few teary eyes surrounding us, shortly all eyes would turn to the screen to watch the finished video of the work all of Year 9 put into yesterday's workshop. 

Meeting with the Poatina community at Church...

Isabella shares her story with the community

Time to sing!
Connecting with the environment in a performance video...

Making a difference

 Soccer in the sunshine

What a blessing little Amy is!

After church, meeting new people and enjoying morning tea

An hour later, nerves and excitement spread through the bus like wildfire as we headed for our next adventure… the HollyBank Treetops! After strapping in and going through a practise run, we were soaring through the air like birds at speeds making it almost impossible to breathe! As the climax that was flying through the trees for 400m at 70-80km/hr approached, our excitement heightened! At one point we were 50m above the ground over a creek. Adrenaline! Adrenaline! Adrenaline! We were like a cannon ball of awesomeness! The tall trees were beautiful, the air was crisp and clear and we had an amazing and exhilarating time. Surely an adventure that will not be forgotten any time soon!

Pumped...Let's do this!

Everything is awesome!

Flying through the trees on the Treetops adventure! Well… the practise run at least.

Gettin' pumped for the 400m 70km/hour ride to come :-) 

As long as we have ALL of the instructions sorted…

Check this out….!


  1. Ok. Can someone please take a photo of brayden and post it tomorrow. I'm beginning to worry about wether he got across bass straight. Ha ha

    1. I don't know what Brayden looks like but i hope he makes an appearance tomorrow Annette. (has Fletcher made one?)

    2. I think Fletcher and Brayden must be hiding out together. Can someone tie them together and take a photo please. For their mothers sake.

  2. Wow - it looks like everyone is having a great time. Thanks for all the updates and pics and the fantastic performance. Well done.
    Please thank Eric the bus driver for taking the group on an alternative adventure when Cradle Mountain entry was closed and the people at Poatina. And of course, thanks
    Enjoy Monday! God bless ya'll
    Love you Seb

  3. Are you guys obsessed by trees, you will be wanting to spend more time down the wetland hugging trees.

  4. Hi Brooklyn,
    I can see you had the climbing gear on, so proud of you!
    Looks like you are having a great time. :)
    Love Mum

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Vicki, Hope you are taking lots of photos. It looks so beautiful there in Tasmania and also looks like you are having a lot of fun. We are all missing you.

  7. Hi Lex,
    We hope you are taking photo's & video footage of your adventures in Tasmania as I know you will treasure the memories of this trip for a life time. Its great to see you are enjoying yourself. We bet you enjoyed Tree Tops as we know you were looking forward to it. We miss you.
    Dad & Goffy

  8. Hello Jayden,Great to see you are having a good time away.We hope you enjoyed the tree top adventure ;)We miss you and love you son.Enjoy the rest of the trip.By the way the bins go out in two days haha.Many thanks to the teachers for a great daily catch up!!Love Mum,Dad and Kye

  9. Hi all. This is Rohan from Poatina. I hope you've had a fantastic day today - and particularly that you finally got to play in the snow. We loved having you here in our community these past few days - thank you for the blessing that you have been to us by your presence here, your interactions with some of our children (e.g. Amy, Billy), and your service to our community. Your cleaning up this morning was fantastic - the View Cafe and Restaurant are set up, and the hostel and motel rooms are well on the way to being ready for our next guests - a wonderful position for me as the Manager! We pray the rest of your time in Tasmania is full of wonderful sights and experiences, and each of you continues to grow in your awareness of how to be with others, We hope we will welcome many of you back again to Poatina Village - maybe for a holiday with your family or to participate in some of Fusion's training and programs, such as the Faith and the Arts Summer School and our youth and community work training. May God continue to bless each of you and your journey, Rohan Prowse

  10. Go Cameron - fantastic to see you on the practise flying fox. Can't wait to hear if you did the real one! Back at school today - Miss King said she didn't even notice that Mr Leon wasn't at school! Hoping to do some mowing at home this afternoon before the rain starts again. And the dishwasher needs unstacking: you do a lot around our house to help Cameron. Glad you are having a great time. We are missing you - I had 2 hours without anybody else at home on Friday. Grim followed me everywhere.

  11. Hi everyone, glad you had such a special time at Poatina. That flying fox looks fantastic! We are back in Copenhagen about to fly to London, yay, our last stop before coming home. Missing you Lauren, stay warm and safe, love Mum & Dad xxx

  12. Hi Bell,
    We are thrilled to see that you are all having an amazing time. Cant wait to hear about your tree top adventure and how it all went at Poatina. Today I heard about how the previous year 9s donated money so a family could afford to purchase a wheelchair for the little boy pictured in one of the photos - How incredibly special it must have been to see how such kindness and generosity has improved this little boys life. Great to see you guys made a huge difference by being there. We are extremely proud of you honey!!!! missing you heaps. LOTS of LOVE Mum, Alan, James and Jack

  13. Nice helmet Adam, how long did it take to get your hair right after wearing it?
    Take Care

  14. Hi Bella
    Bad boy buddy has been missing you. He's teaching Frankie lots of bad habits so you will have your work cut out when you get back
    ;) Rex is enjoying sleeping in your bed. We can't wait for you to come home and tell us about your adventures. Love mum & dad lots of kisses and hugs xoxo.

  15. What a great time you must of all had on Sunday! Really enjoying reading the blog and seeing all the photos, such a great experience for you all. Karabella - Gus and Clarke are jealous! Hope you are having a great time xx Alison (Karabella's auntie)

  16. Hi James (Jimmy Masu ),
    I'm missing you so much. Its good to see you having so much fun. Just to let you know l played basketball today. l scored two shots out of three. We were versing the brown snakes we beat them by ten shots the score was 13-23. Did you meet any new friends? What FOOD have you been eating? Looks like you've been eating really yummy FOOD.
    From Joshy (Jish kebab)

  17. Hi James,
    I hope you are having fun in Tasmania with your friends. I miss you and will give you a big hug when you come back. I love you even though you are not here. Love Grace .

  18. Hi Luke. We are all missing you. Ben says home is so boring without you....Did you all have a good day today? What was the animal park like? Get any shopping done yet? Don't forget to buy something for your Dad and Ben. xxMum

  19. Hi honey glad to see a lot of smiles a round the treetop ride!!! Very brave . So nice to see the beautiful weather it looks warmer there than here. Keep warm and enjoy, hope the tassie devil feeding was cool. Love you heaps mum, dad , pepper. Xxxxxxxx

  20. Loved watching the videos - cool that we got to see the Becoming Australian one that you all worked on. Great work Year 9 - Rohan gave you a glowing report card. Marcus (Tassie 2012) remembered Luka in the wheelchair and that back then they were just thinking about making the View Café! Awesome that you got to contribute to the community at Poatina.

  21. Hi Vimbai,

    We are really proud of you. I can see you are enjoying making a difference and travelling! have a great time. We love and miss you. Maka says aunty "I mish you, cuddles in cold tassie".

    Love - Ron, Rach and Maka Murambi

  22. What a lovely message from Rohan. Thanks for those beautiful words and for looking after our mob.

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