Saturday, August 8, 2015

What a blessing!

We began the trip with Mr MacCallum encouraging us to be a blessing to each other on this trip, but this is the day we get to focus on being a blessing to the community at Poatina. Each year this eventuates in different forms. So this year we all got to be part of a ‘Becoming Australian’ workshop run by Steve and Hannah Cooper from Poatina. We got to be the inaugural (trial) participants, creating and learning about Aboriginal custodianship of the Australian landscape. We interactively became ‘tall, old trees’, ‘saplings’ and ‘fire sticks’ as we played out the process of bush regeneration. After morning tea in the bush, groups were established to creatively represent aspects of the environment through words, music and movement.

Hannah and Steve Cooper….'RockSalt Arts'

Don't you see it?…..A crowded bushland!

Cam ….the 'Tall old tree'

Thomas…. the 'I'm not sure what'

Must be contemplating 'movement'…..??

Mr Gilmour added his ‘take’ on the program by enticing some gullible souls to join him in some ‘bush tucker’ aboriginal style ….aka witchetty grubs….interesting!

Searching for grub…..witchetty that is!

Not sure that Nic will fall for that one again!

Can you feel the 'Movement'…..?

aahh….there it is!

And the words will flow…...

Returning to the village for lunch of ‘hot dogggs’…..complete with mustard [for Mr Leon, or was that Mr Gilmour?]….. gave us a chance to check out the community shops and play in the park, before heading back down the bush track. This time it was to put our bodies on the line and ‘interact’ with the pine saplings growing where they were not wanted. So satisfying to see the growing pile of pine branches…..

Go team!


It was a satisfied group that welcomed the arrival of more ‘bush tucker’, this time ‘white man’ style ...aka scones with jam and cream. So satisfying to see this pile dimish….

Which one first?

We got back into the morning’s workshop after our gardening efforts, to showcase our creative efforts, and create video footage to be made into a DVD as part of the ‘Becoming Australian’ workshop. Then back to 'The Chalet' to prepare for tomorrow's worship service or just enjoy playing cards in front of the open fire.

The evening devotions are based on the book of Hosea, looking at 'Shame' and how this impacts us, our relationships with each other and with God. The time spent 'teasing apart' this story is impacting our guys significantly, drawing them into deep discussion and sharing. This is the 'stuff' of memorable camp experiences that will last a lifetime, and hopefully significantly strengthen peer relationships. 

But of course, you can't go to bed on the 'back' of all that emotion….. you will have trouble getting to sleep! So, what better way to finish off the day than a 'Food Challenge' ….according to Mr Leon. Boy's turn tonight….girls tomorrow!

Wait for the rules…..wait for the rules…..wait for the rules…….


  1. Good updates and good photo shootings too. Keep them coming we are really enjoying them.

  2. Hi Brooklyn,
    Nan said to say hello and that she hopes you are keeping warm and having lots of fun.
    Love Mumxx

  3. Thanks so much for the comprehensive updates and beautiful photos.
    Seb, Genevieve is at a sleepover tonight so daddy, Liv and I had a soare with guitar, vocals, mandolin and your miniature djembe. I can't play that thing. We miss you.
    Sebby smash. Wah-how!!
    Mommy xo

  4. Ps I hope you didn't eat too many grubs!! :-)

  5. Thanks for the updates, we are missing you heaps

  6. Really appreciate the updates & pics...we feel like we are almost there with you guys. Great seeing everyone working hard, got a few jobs organised for when you get home Josh! Nic you have taken eating to a new low, God didn't create "everything" to be eaten!!!

  7. Nic the next time you want a feed we will send you down to the compost bin with a digging stick

  8. Hi Bella. You look like you are having a wonderful time. We are missing you so much, being childless is no good so that we decided to let Rex have you bedroom. Such a good boy he is keeping you bedroom so clean, he has a bit of trouble making your bed but I just told him 'that's ok Bella reckons that you sleep better in it when its not made'. Dad is missing you heaps. Lots of love mum, dad and rex (woof woof)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It is a hoot to watch three giggling girls pull out a tiny sapling. More practise needed down in the wetlands

  11. Hey Old Man Tree: nice drama work. I'm about to go and play soccer in Tumut with the Mighty South Wagga Warriors. Keep having a great time, Cam. I'm sure you are looking for lots of ways to help others out. Mum is currently seeing an off-Broadway play called "The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey". With only Liam and I here at the moment, we have started talking to the cat: when that happens you know things are a bit grim! Love you.

    1. What a great comment that was

    2. BTW The name of the cat is "grim" - so there was a pun in there!

    3. This is a reply to a reply - it is like reply squared. This reply is pretty boring though - so more like a square reply.

  12. Hi Bella, Were not surprised there are no photos of you eating witchetty grubs!! Hope the rest of the meals have been a bit better than that :-) Although Mr Gilmour seemed to enjoy it! Looks like the card game was very intense. Missing you heaps. XXXXXXXX

  13. Hi Luke...we'd like to know what was in the food challenge and will you eat it at home?
    We went to see Fantastic Four. Ben and Dad have all kinds of comment about it, so you'd best wait til young home to get it straight from them. 😊
    The home feels weird without you in it. Missing you.xxMum

    1. P.s. If you see Hannah Cooper again, please say Hi from Mum and Dad. She was in the youth group that met in our home in Rivett ACT when we first got married!

  14. Hi all. Mr Gilmour I would just like to check that Fletcher isn't still on the ship. He's avoided all photos in Tassie thus far. He's camera shy - runs every time I point camera at him. I hereby set you a challenge to capture the elusive Fletcher in a happy snap. Witchetty Grubs - Fletch loves em. It's very lonely here 😢

    1. Brayden must be on the boat with Fletcher as I've yet to catch a glimpse of him either. Lol

  15. Hi all. Mr Gilmour I would just like to check that Fletcher isn't still on the ship. He's avoided all photos in Tassie thus far. He's camera shy - runs every time I point camera at him. I hereby set you a challenge to capture the elusive Fletcher in a happy snap. Witchetty Grubs - Fletch loves em. It's very lonely here 😢

  16. Hi sweetheart interesting day, it looks like " see the tree, be the tree, cut the tree down!!" So nice to see your beautiful smile in the photos, enjoy yourself and stay warm. Love you loads mum, dad and pepper. Xxxxxxx

  17. Hi Adam mum was wondering what type of tree you were being? And she was also wondering if witchetty grub is better than roo tail. Take care son we are missing you more love all the clan.

  18. Hey Jake, I'm back from Orange safely. We had a great time and the social (disco) was really fun. We have a new dance move called the Xeros (named after Mr Xeros) I met some new people from lots of different schools. I hope that you and your friends are having a great time and say hi to all the teachers and everyone for me. Mum reckons that you've lost something already. Miss you and love you. Love Leah.

  19. Hi karabella, don't know how you keep up with all your fandoms, the only interesting thing I found was Josh's new movie "Dubious Battle" is going to be released in 2016 rather than this year. Bit of a wait for you! Love you, miss you (have fun with MY jumper).
    -Pepper xx

  20. Hi Vimbai
    Aunt Noh is saying hi and hopes that you are having lots of fun. Guess what? For the whole weekend we never had any single song by "One Direction" played in the house hahaha what a relief! Our ears were on holiday but we miss you though. Have fun. Love you heaps
    Mum and Dad

  21. Hi James, How are you? Joshy and finished off the pizza that we left in the fridge. We had sympathy for you being away in Tasmania. I hope you enjoyed your scones, maybe you had 3 or 4? Have you eaten your choc chip cookies yet? Dad is still remembering the lovely cookies you made and wants you to make them for him when you get home. Love you heaps. Mum, Dad, Joshy and Gracie oxoox

  22. Hi James, looks like a great time. On your walks have you been visited by any Tasmanian police like you do in NSW? Joshua and Grace miss you heaps, so does Donna. Oops sorry my bad. I wasn't meant to mention Donna was I! Enjoy yourselves everyone. Cheers Dad

  23. Hi Tom, looks like you are all having a great time. Did you try the grubs? Was very quiet here with you, dad and Molly away all at once, so i started dressing up the animals! Mollys home now thank goodness, the animals are very relieved! Make the most of this time kids, as you are making memories that will last a lifetime. Miss you Tom, love mum xxx

  24. Hi Vimbai!!!! Hope you're having fun. Take lots of pics and cant wait to hear all about it when you get back. Miss our random phone conversations and instagram tags haha. Miss you so much! Lots of love, hugs and kisses. Shami xx
