Thursday, August 6, 2015

Living in the lap of luxury!

You know you're on a good thing when less than two hours into it you feel like its been two days! Before we had even left NSW, we had karaoke, cards, I spy, Password and The Name Game, 6 sleeping in their chairs and others settling in and asking for movies! Even before we had left Wagga, Mr Leon was 'breaking out' and 'hoeing into' the lollies! Being the generous person he is, the sugar levels in everyone around began to rise very early on in the trip! That being said, the general vibe so far has been one of comfortable familiarity laced with anticipation…..


The first "Port of call' was Beechworth, and being shrouded in fog, it gave a good excuse to hibernate in the bakery or search out the famous Beechworth lolly shop to re-stock the already dwindling sugar supplies! [Ed note - we, the teachers, really are taking care of your children and their health while in our care…!]

Lunchtime 'Meds'

  Time to burn off some energy

Embarking the bus at Port Phillip Bay became our third ‘Port of call’ for the day. Subway on the beach at St Kilda ….in the misty rain….. overlooking the Spirit of Tassie…helped to increase the levels of anticipation for the adventure ahead. Mr MacCallum sent word of encouragement in a letter that was read aloud before boarding. Building a sense of community, looking out for opportunities to make memories, thinking of ‘others’ and becoming known as a ‘legend’ (for all the right reasons) were some of his inspiring words.

Enjoying the view….

Look out….the girls are in town!

.…the boys are too!

Subway in the park

St Kilda beach entertainment

Who's excited??

Group hug!

We got to enjoy and explore the recently re-furbished ‘Spirit’ after settling into our cabins. Re-vamped food areas, a new cinema, a quiet reading ‘nook’ and live entertainment are all new things on offer. Might have to check a few of them out…..



Chilling out in front of the cabins was a popular choice of ‘on board’ entertainment, possibly a reflection of the encouraging sense of community that is already evident amongst this group. A great beginning……

Time for bed….let's hope!


  1. looks great have a great crossing. Enjoy the sugar high. Lauchy and Nic you have been called to play for Australia at Trent Bridge. I hope you do a better job than the current lot we have over there.

  2. Yay, so happy to see this! We're about to leave St Petersburg, hope you had a smooth crossing and everyone held onto those lollies. We will both be sleeping on a boat tonight! Have fun, love you Lauren xx

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  4. WOW what an amazing first day!! Hope you all had a good crossing and got lots of sleep (haha). Love You Bell xx

  5. ps . Bella message from mum ! There are lots of other food
    groups besides lollies-- please try them at some stage!!! :-)

  6. Jacquie StumpfAugust 7, 2015 at 5:05 AM
    Good to see you all safely on the boat. Luke honey, I am so pleased to see you in a t-shirt so soon after your battle with tonsillitis. I'm so glad it's obviously hot in Melbourne. Do try more clothes in Tasmania, ok? xx


  7. Thanks for the pics and the update!!
    Have an awesome day year 9.

    Love you Seb.

  8. Loving the blog. Its our morning read. Bet you wish you had a scarf now Lex
    From Dad & Goffy

  9. To our boys (sam, peter, nic, lachy, luke and josh )
    To be honest school has been great without u guys around. In the space of one day Mr Van Honk has already adopted us and we are finally able to eat our food in peace. On a more serious note, we hope you have a memorable and enjoyable experience in Tassie, learn more about eachother and hopefully you enjoyed ur day at Cradle Mountain.
    God Bless
    -From ur favourite year 10's Abba and Martin

  10. I'm looking at all the great photos and it looks like so much fun guys, but I'm wondering if Brayden missed the bus or is he just camera shy?

  11. Hi gorgeous girl hope the boat ride was fine and you got some sleep!! Some lovely photos. Look forward to some pictures of the snow. Love you mum, dad and pepper. Xxxxxxx

  12. Hope you guys had a great day. Lach and nic I expect you have heard about the Aussie cricket team???? Do you know what the spectator missed when he went to get some food??? The entire Aussie innings !!!

  13. Hi Brooklin how was the ocean trip see any sharks?? Hope your having good time , love Gaz and Pop

  14. What about those Sea Eagles? I feel like chicken tonite. We hope you had fun in the snow.

  15. Hi Vimbai how was the boat trip? Did you get any boat sickness? The house is so quiet without you. We miss you soo much. Enjoy Tassie my darling. Hugs and kisses from mum and dad

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  17. You guys you seem to be enjoying your trip. I can tell from Vimbai's smiles!!!! Enjoy guys and Vimbai remember to bring mum lots of stories. I love and miss you my baby.
