Friday, August 7, 2015

What a surprise!

What a surprise! I thought ‘for sure’…. we would have a number of ‘visitors’ to our cabin requesting help, travel calm supplies or just plain sympathy…. We were definitely ‘rocked to sleep’, but the troops soldiered on and weathered the conditions (10 points everyone!) with Miss Roser being the only one to succumb! She was primed ready for a Maccas breakfast upon arrival at Devonport this morning. While we are in the process of dishing out points, Eric-the-bus-driver dished out his own to the group for the condition they left the bus in at the end of Day 1….the cleanest group he’s had apparently…. Wohoo!!

Yeah…we made it!

'Chillin' in Tassie….

The second surprise for the day was the weather…..glorious sunshine, no wind and once the frost disappeared, mild conditions. Tell me again….why did we start the layers with thermals? In fact, on the bus the ‘toilet’ got a lot of use throughout the day, but not for it’s purpose built function, but as a ‘changing room’ to discard the ‘inner’ layers. Of course, if the day had gone according to plan, then that may not have happened.

Smiles all round….

Which brings me to the third surprise for the day (and we haven’t even got to ‘recess’!) There has been so much snow that Cradle Mountain National Park is closed, and so even though we are being tempted with magnificent views of snow covered ranges at every turn, we couldn’t get close enough to it to have the much anticipated snow ball fight! But thanks to our ever present source of knowledge, wit and….. mode of transport (Eric-the-bus-driver) surprise number four eventuated. A scenic tour along the north coast of Tassie brought us to The Nut at Stanley. We now bear the prestigious title of being the first ever WWCC group in 15 years to have climbed a volcano! A steep (someone suggested 45 degrees?) walk along a zig-zag track was rewarded with magnificent views in all directions. And…just in case you are still concerned about your child’s health and safety…. of course the volcano is no longer active!

Group time

Enjoying the view

Is that a nut???

"Steep….yes, short….. well that depends

                                                   Reminiscent of Titanic 

 Now that's the way to go…..

Rest time….

Taking a closer look….

Waiting for lunch

While the rest of us were enjoying the 'stretch' and view, Eric-the-bus-driver, being the champion he is, capably cooked us a BBQ lunch which we got to enjoy while overlooking Bass Strait. After being re-stocked once again, we headed back along the coast, through Penguin (where are they??) to Sheffield, the town of murals. While we may not have actually got to Waldheim's cottage at Cradle Mountain, some of us managed to 'experience' it by 'getting into the picture'. 

Working hard….
Blink….and you miss them!

Hi ho…hi ho… it's off to Sheffield we go!

Waldheim's Cottage

So, pulling into Poatina after dark to be met with a yummy dinner of baked potatoes, sitting around an open fire, drinking chai latte's, life-changing discussions on 'Shame'….. it's all quiet on the bedroom front. No 'rocking' needed tonight!


  1. Glad you survived the boat ride. Praying the return trip is smoother. Wow a walk up a volcano....I bet that was good for the calf muscles. We are so relieved to hear the weather is so nice...hope it stays that way.

    Luke, I thought you'd like to I to know that your brother is actually missing you...and it is only day 2! He had to adopt a little brother today. Poor Patty.


  2. Great update and pics. I especially love the Wilheim Cottage one!
    Seb, here's a message from Liv:
    Yoooo bruv!! Hey look mate, I've been tagging you in all sorts of funny stuff on facey and you're not here to respond!
    Mate, I remember my Tassie trip! We sat around in a circle and cringed when mr Gilmore read out the messages from our parents, but now I get to be a part of that embarrassment! Haha have fun everyone, and make the most of it! It goes by fast but it's a memorable trip!
    Much love homey, Liv xox

  3. Hi Brooklyn,
    It sounds like you guys are having a great trip. Loving the pics.
    Have fun!! :)
    Stay safe. Love Mumxx

  4. Hi Btooklin sounds like yous are having an adventure bet pop and josh wish they were with u doing the trip they'd love it , take care Gaz

  5. Great nuts at the nut. You blokes soar like eagles.

  6. Hi Bell, The photos look amazing!!!! We all wish we were there with you - I would have even pulled you up the top of the volcano :-) So Pleased the weather has been beautiful ( hope it stays that way for you guys) Just need to let you know that Jack has been missing you terribly ( as have we ) He constantly looks for you and is counting down the days!!! Its been wonderful to see the photos each morning and see you all looking great ( Even the teachers don't look worn out YET !!! ) Lots of love. Mum, Alan, Jack and James ( yes he has noticed you are gone :-) - IT only took two days ) xxxxxxx

  7. Hey Cam. Sounds like it is going great. Congratulations on climbing a volcano: I haven't done that! Mum made it safely to New York. She and Auntie Mel sat up talking to 3am (their time not ours). Work hard at Poatina. Today I'm tidying up the house, Liam is working, Marcus is studying: we wish we were there with you. The dishwasher needs unstacking! Love you lots.

  8. Hi guys, awesome times been had and still to come. Every photo makes me a little homesick for my beloved tassie.
    Hope your having a great time Brayden. The boys are having a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. Apparently the winner gets your room. Hope your ok with that.
    Continue making amazing memories.
    Love mum.

  9. Dear big sister, I will love you everyday. You are always in my prayers. Love from Keiraleigh
    Hey Vicki, we are all missing you very much and so glad to see you are all having a great time... and using your camera lots. <3 Love mum and dad

  10. Hi Jake, well it looks like you survived the big boat trip and are having a great time in Tassie. Rebekah is looking after your TV, Sammy is having a great time on your iPad, Dad has managed to delete your progress on NBA 2k15 and Mum still cant work out how to turn your PlayStation on...
    Leah is due back tonight from Orange and will be missing you like crazy.
    Keep having an awesome time in Tassie, we all miss ya face. Luv from Mum, Dad, Leah, Bekah, Sam, Timmy, Goldy and the chooks.

  11. Hey Brayden!
    I hope you are having a great adventure. Can't wait to hear all about it.
    Your Mum and I will organise a catch up for when you and Brooklyn get back.
    Stay safe and have heaps of fun.

  12. Hi there, we've just arrived in Stockholm and found free wifi to check in with you. Climbing the nut looked fun, hope you get to pitch snowballs sometime. Lots of love Lauren, Mum & Dad xxx

  13. Hey Adam all your adventuring has us motivated, mum and myself climbed The Rock today. We are both feeling sore now. Will is eating choccy and he wishes you were here to share with. Miss you heaps son love all the Charmers.

  14. Hi sweetheart, hope you had a good day today. We are so proud of you. The treetops ride looks unreal. Enjoy the thrill can't wait to see the photos. Love you heaps mum, dad and pepper. Xxxxxxxxxx

  15. So glad the crossing went well and hope Poatina is wonderful. There must be snow everywhere!

  16. Hi James,
    How are you? It is nice to see you in some of the lovely photos. It is good to see you enjoying yourself. Joshy and Gracie are missing you. Joshy even set the table for you to have dinner tonight. We had youth on Friday night and had pizza. We even had no one to eat the left over pizza in the morning :( Continue to have a great time in Tassie. Love you. Mum, Dad, Joshy and Gracie oxoxo

  17. Hi Vimbai
    Good to see you with smiles all over your face!! I can tell that you are enjoying. How is the snow? Are you enjoying it? The house still remains very quiet . Miss you my dear.

  18. Hey Jarrad, love to see you're having fun adventures. Sending you lots of love and prayers from over here in Prague (Czech Republic). We floated down the river in a giant swan paddle boat yesterday (that's right, be jealous)
    We're off to Venice next.
    Love you xxx
    Kia and Ariah (your favourite sisters)
