Monday, August 10, 2015

It's snow time...

What a day! We finally managed to get TO the snow and not just SEE the snow from a distance. Eric-the-brave-heart-bus-driver is epic! Instead of going around the usual route, he ventured up and over the Highland lakes district on the trip from Poatina to Hobart. This meant that we got to the snow! And just in case you are wondering yet again about the safety of your child, Eric-the-bus-driver is really known as Eric-the-snow-bus-driver for his regular jaunts to the ski fields every winter! 

So, once again, this year is a first….first to have seen so much snow in Tassie and have a 'real' snow ball fight. This will definitely be a highlight of the trip and a memorable memory for many….especially those in the group who had never seen snow before. It was 'full on' war for a good 30 min! Even the camera(wo)man wasn't exempt (thanks Mackenna! I'll get you back sometime).

Anyone up for a snowball fight?

Ok….that'd be everyone!

Check out the action on the link above!

Here I am…..come and get me!

Watch out Bella!

Just letting you know…..tonight's accommodation!

Come at me if you dare!

That's not fair!…..nothing's fair in 'snowball' war!

Can you build (see) a snowman?

Thanks to everyone checking out our updates each day. In reading out the comments each night, there seems to be some concern as to the whereabouts of Fletcher and Brayden? Not sure what you mean..

Who's missing?  Brayden….Fletcher?

After all the excitement of the snow and once we had all 'brushed' ourselves down, we ventured back on to the bus to settle in and continue watching 'For the Term of His Natural Life', just to get us 'primed' for our visit to Port Arthur tomorrow. But before that…..

Bonorong Wildlife Park has a great set up to rescue and look after orphaned and injured native wildlife. We met Laura and Tina, and got up close….but not too close….. to some Tassie Devils. We also met AND got up close to a couple of emus and a couple of hundred (well….according to Mr Leon it seemed that many) kangaroos. Great times!

'Laura' the baby koala

'Tina" the baby wombat

You little (Tassie) devil

I'll just take that…. thanks Brayden

Just part of 'the mob'

Getting up close

Pleased to meet you

After all this 'interactivity' the hand sanitizer got a good work out as we headed into the Richmond Bakery for lunch! And continuing the history lesson… we headed to Old Hobart town to check out an amazing replica of Hobart in the late 1800's. Incredibly constructed, I think I can vouch for the others and say we were all suitably impressed by the amount of time, effort and talent on the part of the owner, over a period of 25 years. And for more interactivity…. there was a 'Where's Wally' activity for teams to complete which was keenly contested!

Old Hobart Town

Looking for clues

I think I see it….

Enjoying the winning spoils….

There was enough time to roam the shops in search of more spoils to take home….

……or not!

Mr Gilmour brought the best ice-cream! Lucky he shared…

After visiting the beautiful old Catholic church on the hill (a timely relief from the light rain that had started) we made our way to Dodges Ferry (not really a ferry!) and the Blue Lagoon Camp Centre. A fantastic site, perfectly geared for teenagers 'hungry' for chillin' out time. Giant slides, in-ground trampolines and basketball area entice kids straight off the bus and into the action, until light 'interrupts play'. And then, being 'hungry' teenagers, a massive dinner awaits inside. Not much is left over after Pasta bake and tossed salad is served. It looks like Peter and Cathy's chooks are going on a diet while we are here!

The last night of devotions again provided an opportunity for real sharing and real caring. Seeing the way the kids have bonded and grown together as a year group has been so inspirational. These guys have always been very inclusive, but seeing this 'mature' in the more intense 24/7 environment of a long-term camp has been rewarding. Hearing comments along the lines of "I just so want to be able to take this feeling back into school" and… "I want to make sure those of us who weren't able to come to Tassie feel included in what we have experienced" are a testament to the maturity of thinking that has developed. 


  1. Hi Vimbai
    I can see you are having lots of fun with snow! Enjoy mate and take lots of photos. Today is VERY QUIET mate. Miss you a lot. Love you

  2. You guys you are really having fun. A big thank you for the updates and also a big thank you to Eric- the - snow - bus - driver for a job well done! Staff members you are doing fantastic job! We can sit and relax knowing that our kids are in safe hands. Thank you guys

  3. The snow looked great. Maybe next year we can have a combined Tassie Trip with a Snow Trip?

  4. Hi Bella, Looks like you all had another amazing day in Tassie!!!! Weather looks beautiful - lets hope it stays that way. Looking at the updates it seems NONE of you will want to come home :-) Please know that this is NOT an option as we miss you terribly.( Even though you live in your bedroom the house seems very quiet without you.) Please thank Eric the awesome bus driver for the fabulous job he has been doing. You are all seemingly in great hands !!!! Thanks also to your wonderful teachers who have obviously taken great care of you all. Absolutely love all the photos and updates!!!! Love Mum, Alan, James and Jack xxxx

  5. To Brooklyn
    It was s day like you where in Europre snow fields
    Looks like everyone is having a great time

  6. Dear Vicki, I will always look after you in my heart. Always love from Keira xoxo
    (Just thought we should warn you, you are probably going to get the biggest arms wide open hug you have ever had from KCS.) We miss you too. Love mum and dad.

  7. Wow how lucky you all are! Well done Eric for getting you all to the snow safe and sound. Looks like a lot of fun had by all. Great pics and posts, keep them coming! Missing you Tom, love mum xxxx

  8. What on earth has Brayden done that is so bad he has to be in disguise for the whole trip?
    Will the Rowleys ever be welcome in Tasmania again?
    Come home son. We still love you.

  9. I've been having lots of trouble with my Computer and I have made about 10 comments similar so far but cant see any of them?? So even though I promised not to embarrass you Georgia, I probably have OOPS. Looks like a fantastic trip but we will be glad to see you home. We miss you. Love Mum xx

  10. Hey Lex,
    The snow & the wildlife park, looks like year 9 are having an amazing time. We couldn't see you (Lex) in any of the pics. We thought you would have been the one getting the pic taken with a snow ball in your hand. Please thank Eric the amazing snow bus driver for the great job he is doing and of course the wonderful Teachers as well for doing a fantastic job in looking after you. We miss you. Love Dad & Goffy

  11. Hi Jake, the scenery looks awesome. We hope you have been having a wonderful time away. So glad you were able to get to the snow, hope you've stayed warm. We all miss you terribly. Sammy had to watch Spiderman 3 all by himself in your chair, he was not happy about that !! Bekah & Sammy are sleeping in your bed until you get home ;) Don't be surprised if Bekah laugh, cries when she see's you. We can't wait to see you. We are on countdown !!!!!!!!!!

    We miss your face, love & miss you heaps
    Love Dad, Mum, Leah, Bekah & Samuel

    A big huge thanks to Eric & your amazing teachers for looking after you all so well. Your time & efforts are greatly appreciated

  12. Wow that is some serious snow, well done Eric! Bet you're glad you took my gloves Lauren. Who is that poor person you and Karabella are attacking?? Lots of love, Mum & Dad xxxxoooo

    ps Did I mention we're in London!! Off to visit Buckingham Palace this morning and perhaps to do some souvenir shopping for our favourite London lover xxxx

    1. LOL. Well it was a good guess. Bit hard to tell from shoes and dark clothes. :)

  13. Hi gorgeous that is fantastic you got to the snow, huge effort by all. Such good fun. Even though I hate the cold who doesn't love a snow ball fight? Only two more sleeps to go, miss you to the moon and back. Love mum, dad and pepper. Xxxxxxxx

  14. Hey Ad,
    Looks like your having a blast in the snow.
    We are all missing you, Harry wouldn't admit to it and Will can't stop admitting to it.
    Mum and Dad are missing the shadow at the fridge door saying 'what can I have to eat' but loving the HOT showers!
    You need to let your icy powers GO! LET IT GO! LET IT GO!! (Harry wrote that).
    See you soon xx

  15. Hi lach missing you heaps. You can come home now , lawn is mowed and wood chopped. Gracie is sleeping on your bed,tom is on the couch, everyone is out of control. Love you

  16. Snow!!! Enjoy. Miss you Fletcher - I get you back for a day then you're off to Vietnam (think I will hide in your luggage). I hope you are all having an amazing time!

  17. Snow!!! Enjoy. Miss you Fletcher - I get you back for a day then you're off to Vietnam (think I will hide in your luggage). I hope you are all having an amazing time!

  18. Hi Brooklyn,
    Looks like you guys had a great time at the snow.
    Love Mumxx

  19. Oh my word SEB!!!! Where is your snow jacket!!? Seriously dude! And a scarf? Beanie? Did you have thermals on? Put your warm clothes on - I'm cold just looking at you!!
    It looks like you've had heaps of fun though!! If there's more snow... Or rain... Please wear your jacket... And a beanie.... And a scarf... Or not....
    And remember that obedience is a command.... :-) haha
    Love you!

  20. Hi Bella. Did you manage to tuck that little wombat into your bag? you know how much dad loves wombats. Miss marple has been sleeping in our bed. Please come home .....see drools when she purrs, l would rather she sleeps with you than me. Love mum & dad.

  21. Hey Cam (and the rest of yr9). Looks like an awesome snow fight. Nice work Mrs Anderson getting the video to work. Enjoy your last day in Tasmania. Marcus gets to stay home from school today - his next Trial exam is on Friday. Planning hot chips and crumbled fish for Thursday night dinner (just you Cam, not the rest of yr9) - and we'll read through the blog again and hear your version of it all. I cleaned up your room (again just Cam, not the rest of yr9). Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon (all of you, not just Cam). Dad.

  22. Hi Guys,

    I hope you actually get this message. I was just saying that if I was to be down in Tassie with you, and I bought lollies at that amazing lolly shop, Lauren would just nick them from me anyway. -_-

    I don't know what to do with all the mental energy I've saved this last week, and the quad is really, really quiet.

    Be prepared to come back and tell me all about the experiences you have had while you have been away, and I can't wait to see how you have grown as young adults.

    Also remember to do as you are told, don't litter the bus, respect the locals, and come back to us safe and sound. May the blessings of Jesus be in you as you come back to Wagga!

    Love from Miss Jobson

    1. I'd love to quote you that we "have grown as young adults" but I can't argue against it. I'm fairly sure this trip has shown us the beauty of life and what it's like to take responsibility for ourselves. To be honest with you, I'm sure most of us have come home to our families with something to hold to us forever and keep the memories of the experiences, whether it being tears, happiness or overall joy, we all have kept Jesus in our hearts and for some, finally letting Him into our hearts. This trip was absolutely amazing and I feel blessed enough to be able to have gone with the most amazing Grade ever.
