Friday, August 16, 2019

Day Four – Poatina to Blue Lagoon

We said farewell to the Poatina community this morning. As we passed the town limits, we were surprised to see several locals waving us off in the pouring rain. Our students made an impression on many of the small children in the village and they were keen to show their appreciation as we left.

We soon made our way to Hollybank Wilderness Adventures, but not until we realised we’d left our lunch behind at Poatina. A kind volunteer from Poatina ran it out to us. We were quite grateful to see our ham and salad rolls after a few hours of rain-soaked terror at the hands of the Hollybank zipline crew.

Most of our group expressed some trepidation at being hurled along at 50-70 km/h above the forest canopy. One span crossed a gorge 50m above the ground. Another zipline was 400m in length, the longest in the Southern Hemisphere. We rested on cloud stations attached to trees 20 or 30m above the ground as we waited to change ziplines. Every Year 9 completed the course and we arrived back to base with our heads held high and our chests puffed out. Three or four of our more adventurous students expressed a desire to work on the zipline once they leave school. The rest of us are just glad to be back on the ground.

Hollybank photographed each student on the zipline. I have posted three as examples but will need to post the rest when I can find a faster internet connection. My apologies. Hobart’s internet speeds are very slow! I will get more up as soon as I can so you can see your half-drenched sugar glider soaring among the treetops.

We are now based at Blue Lagoon Christian Camp for the next three nights. The accommodation is very good and the staff prepared a roast chicken dinner for us this evening. The kids are enjoying their hot showers and preparing for bed as the blog goes to post. They all enjoyed hearing their blog messages read out at our devotion this evening, so please keep them coming.

In response to hers, Anna says, “Yes Mum, you must definitely feed and water the rabbits – everyday!”

Tomorrow we visit the Salamanca Markets in Hobart. Everyone has been reminded to look after their parents as they cruise the stalls. Father’s Day is coming and a few of our more organised students say that they will be shopping strategically for September. There should be some very pleased dads.

Until tomorrow …


  1. That’s cool, can’t believe everyone completed the course. Awesome effort, can’t wait to see all the photos

  2. That looks awesome. Well done for everyone completing it. Hope you have some dry clothes left. Have a great day at the market's. Miss you Tal and you Liana ♥️

  3. That looks like fun Sophie, well done, love Dad

  4. Glad you did it Christian it is now time for the Christchurch zip line for you. You didn't need a change of undies?

  5. Hi Shaunny, you can come home now, the compost needs emptying. I’m having a great time on your Messenger- made friends with all the 3rd Grade team!!! You will be ecstatic to know the Swans had their first win in 7 games last night although Liam still managed to get upset with the umpires. I’ll let you know soccer results tonight. Praying for you and missing you, Mum x (plus of course Dad, Liam & Sherrif who all refuse to write on the blog - something about not wanting to embarrass you!)

  6. Hi Hannah, Senna, and Liana, It's Abi here. I hope you guys are having a good time. Our team did really well in our netball game! We came 1st! At the end of the game the score was 11-8 our way. I played C,C,C,off. It was so much fun! Rubi did not play for us. We need to practice keeping on our player and shooting. Our passes were very strong and we did really long passes when needed. You are the best coaches ever! Also the Umpires weren't very good! Have a good rest of your trip! Love Abigail Combs P.S Missing you Amy!

    1. Oh Abi, how gorgeous of you to send this message to the girls, I'm sure they will absolutely love it. Well done to you and the team xx

  7. Hi Aimee, you're becoming quite the experienced zip-liner! Looking forward to seeing more photos. Love Mum x

  8. That looks amazing! Good on you guys! Looks pretty chilly though! Hope you have had some sun shining through today.
    Today has been beautiful in Wagga after a super cold start on the netball courts. Lucky Calvin had an extra Maths lesson today at school with another one planned for tomorrow too - you are probably glad you are in Tasmania and not at school 7 days a week :) Abi has had an extra ballet lesson today, getting ready for her exam. Dad and I did a load to go to the tip - so as you can see, things are pretty standard here and the dogs are wondering if they are ever going to go for a walk again. Shaun's mum nearly ran me over as Abi and I were playing tennis on the road this afternoon (my fault, not looking for traffic as I stepped back onto the road :0). Looking forward to seeing some photos of beautiful Richmond - I love that bridge! Love to you Amy, sleep well, love Mum (Dad & Calvin)

  9. Thanks for letting me know I need to feed the rabbits, hopefully its not too late, I take it its normal for them to go very limp and then go as stiff as a board with their feet in the air? ...
    no really, rabbits are having a wonderful time, though I am sure they are missing you as much as we are.
    The hospital is talking about letting Pop go home on Wednesday if they can get him some palliative care, he is doing well, hes been walking up and down the ward and enjoying the attention hes getting. Love you heaps and praying for you Mum

  10. Hi Samson your team won 3-0 you were missed in the midfield! Eventful coaches and team yet again. Andrew asked for you to play, they lost 2-1. We hope you are having lots of fun. Love from us!

  11. Hey Indi Grace! I have tried posting a comment since day 1 but it seems my MacBook doesn't like 'Blogger. Anyway we are all missing you back home, even the boys - when they're not on the Xbox! Milla is also missing her carpool karaoke partner for the morning school run :) I hope you had fun on the zipline - Reubs said he hopes you had the GoPro turned on & that it's not at the bottom of the rainforest :) Hope you had fun at the markets today, can't wait to see what you've bought me! Love you, Mum x

  12. Hi Sophie. That looks awesome! Wish I was there with you to have a turn! Ebony says hi! Miss you. Love always, Mum. Xx

  13. Hey audrey,
    Ah I miss you. Bit quite without you. I got the lambs out of the reserve. Jill is good. Victoria n Harry staying at Kristie’s tonight, I’ve been there this arvo doing fete stuff. We had netball, soccer n ballet exam practice today. Turn out a nice afternoon after a cold start.
    Dads been away the last 2nights carting straw. He sent a picture of south Goulburn, so very dry. I think Thomas has a Flexi day with play station today!!
    Looks n sounds like you are all having a great time. I hope the weather has been nice. What did you buy at markets? Something nice for yourself!! Can’t wait to see you soon luv mum xo

  14. Hi Sam. Hope you're having a great time and lots of fun. I'm at Nonno and Nanna's. Everyone has a had a look at the photos and thinking how lucky you are. Bella and Lily say hi and miss you. Hope you had a great time at the markets looking for a Father's Day gift. See you soon. Dad.

  15. Hi Yarny, hope you had a great time on the ziplines and you hung on tight. I wish I was that brave, I would have been shaking in my boots. Well Dad got the boat out of the shed and went off to the fishing Comp. He phoned this morning and later in the day and said it was perfect weather, sun and not much wind....can you believe it!!! the only year we don't go and its not raining and freezing cold. No fish but he is having a good time. Fingers cross he can match you tomorrow and win another boat.
    Baxter had his last game of soccer today and they won 13 - 2. He had a chance at two goals but just missed both. We then went out to lunch with all the boys and families, which was really lovely. Mr Spaargo loved the framed picture of the team that one of the Dad's had organised.
    Keep having the best time Yarn, and you too Tal
    Love and miss you heaps Mum xx

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Maya on the zipline??..... seeing is believing ��. We can't wait to see the photos.
    Khloe enjoyed the piano lesson on your behalf.
    I knew you wouldn't wear that pink jacket ��
    We love and miss you so so much. The house is empty without you.
    Glad you are enjoying the trip. My regards to all.
    Lots of love from Khloe and I.

  18. Hi Tomtom, I have been trying to figure out how to send this so may this time. We miss you dearly, your team missed you a lot on Saturday, they lost 3-0. Ash got hit on head and Ben has to go on goals. They all missed your presence. We love you and keep praying for you. Much love, mum, Carneh and Alexander
