Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Day Two - Devonport to Poatina

The kids spent their first day in Tassie today. We had a smooth sailing with a minor swell for an hour or so before the waters calmed. When the 5:30 wake-up call came, the girls were ready but the boys needed a bit of coaxing to get out of bed. A few went straight back to sleep as the bus pulled out of the Devonport terminal.

We had a quick breccy at Maccas before the long and curvy drive to Cradle Mountain. We are amazed that no one has been seasick or bus sick yet. Wayne Priest has been an excellent driver and is keeping us laughing and joking. Maybe that's the secret.

Today we toured Waldheim Hut, an Edwardian mountain retreat built by an Austrian migrant and his Australian sweetheart, before walking through a Myrtle Beech and King Billy Pine rainforest, admiring the forest giants, many of which are thousands of years old. We finished off our explorations with a guided tour of Dove Lake, where we learned about glacial landforms and the unique features that make the Tasmania Wilderness a World Heritage area. The mountain itself remained elusive. We only ever saw a ghostly outline of Cradle Mountain's iconic shape, but the rainbow over the lake and the mountain's snow drifts made up for what we missed. The wombats also came out to play rolling around in the buttongrass as we passed.

Isaac and Liana entertained us on our journey with their smooth ukelele playing as we descended into Sheffield. Our students quickly made some wraps and then we explored the town famous for its murals. The rain set in shortly after our arrival, so we pushed on to Poatina a little earlier than expected.

We are now based at Poatina for a couple of days. Poatina is a 1950s worker's village built for the construction of Tasmania's hydroelectricity scheme. The village is part intentional Christian community for those in need and part artist's colony. We were hosted to an excellent chicken parmi dinner with pear crumble and custard for dessert by the volunteers. Tomorrow we will be involved in a service project for the town and plan to visit a glassblower's workshop.

Our students finished the evening with a devotional activity before having messages from home read out. If you continue posting to the blog, we will share your sentiments with the group. All the kids who receive messages were glad to hear from home and Hannah is pleased that the she won't miss the best of the Bachelor while she is away! 

Please keep the messages coming!


  1. Hi Christian, Mums back today and the dog's had another big win today. Awesome blog and fantastic photos of the trip. Looks like everyone is having a great time. Luv Mum, Dad and Buggs.

  2. HI guys, the walk around Cradle Mt looked amazing and the sun seemed to be out some of the time! We are missing you back here. School is pretty quiet without you. I am sure you are wondering what we are up to , , , well, Mr Wilson started the day by playing 'Walk the Line' by Johnny Cash at assembly, Kindergarten learnt how to tie a shoelace, Year 8 did the Beep Test and Year 12s had their maths Trial exam to kick their week of exams off. Not much to report on the home front Amy except Calvin and I watched highlights of the Test match from 2006/7 when Warnie did this most amazing bowl and England dropped like a sack of potatoes losing the match after scoring over 500 in the first innings. Calvin appreciated it even though the current Test match is currently being rained out on Day 1. Well I am off to bed, hope you are too. Love to you Aims and we look forward to the next installment! God bless, Mum (Combs)

  3. Looks like everyones having a great time, Sophie,s Dad

  4. Looks like a beautiful place and you are having an amazing holiday. Have noticed that Tallen is hiding from the camera though. Safe travels

  5. That beanie was a good buy Shaunny, we can track you easily in the photos! I should have packed the water squirter for Mr Moffat and Mr Xeros to help get you up in the morning. Keep smiling, lots of love & hugs & prayers for you. Mum x (along with Dad, Liam & Sherrif)

  6. Yeeeeoooo! Mr Moffitt writes the best blog! Has everyone been teasing James about his purple sleeping bag? What about Sam's hair?

    Devastated that Cradle mountain was snowless. One year, the group was really sad so we prayed in devotions and asked God to send snow. The next day God sent snow to Poatina and we were able to have a massive snow fight up in the mountains.

    Tell Mrs Deighton that they found mice in the food tech room this week...just joking! See you guys soon.

  7. Hey Hannah!!!!
    I must say its weird not having you here to annoy all the time. I have nothing to do :( i have more food now but too bad youre in tassie :P miss you and love you heaps babygirl xxxxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    We are so pleased to hear that you are all having a great time. Please tell Mr Moffitt he needs to be jn at least one of the photos on this blog as his wife and son are missing him!
    Blessings to you all,
    Annie & Henry

  9. Hi again audrey maree..
    yes I am missing you, so is dad. Another sunny day here, great to catch up in the garden. Putty your not home to get a few lambs out of stock reserve for me on motor bike..hopefully sunny in the morning so I can go catch them..
    Jill is good but thinking she is the boss though. Ha she was chasing your ewes along the fence..
    keep having a great time, learn new things n new friendships, we eagerly await the blog update every night. Love you lots.. mum dad Thomas Victoria & Harry

  10. Great updates Mr Moffitt, enjoying the blog! Tasmania is such a stunning part of Australia. A little trivia, my spellcheck does not recognise 'Moffitt' and want to auto-correct to 'misfitted'!!

    Hi Aimee, Matthew said to tell you he has remembered to do your streaks most days so far, and he found Hobnobs!

    Nice to see you pulled out the snow boots! We hope you enjoyed your community day today and looking forward to reading about your adventures in tonight's blog. Have fun, we miss you. Love M&D xx

  11. Hi there our Yarny Loo, the photos look amazing, such a beautiful place I so want to go. Dad and I are so excited to see you in the photos, and hope you are having the best time.

    All good at home but a bit lonely without you. Jess and Koda got into big trouble pulling the doona in their kennel apart. Our back yard looked like it had lots of patches of snow. Rylan picked it up before Dad got home.
    Keep having the best time and we love you heaps Mum, Dad, Rylan and Baxter xxxx
