Sunday, August 14, 2016



Look what we woke up to this morning! All the wild, windy weather from last night rewarded us with snow on the peaks around us. This is the view from the dining room window this morning....
.....and this is the view inside the dining room straight after breakfast. Two of the young children from the Poatina community couldn't wait until church time to see 'the kids from Wagga' so they came up with their mum at breakfast time. Very quickly they had many new friends to tell their stories to and draw pictures for.
Chill out time before church
 Each year the little church in Poatina is blessed by the students from Wagga as they lead the Sunday service. While one group of the students spent time preparing the service, the rest of the students 'explored' the town area. The local skate ramp and adjoining hedge maze provided opportunities to be challenged. A vigorous game of 'tag' in the maze was a great warm up activity. 

Was it just 'flipping the bottle' or was there more to it than that?
An a-maze-ing game of 'tag'
Anyone for a game of 'hide and seek'?
Obviously we weren't the first ones to 'explore' this area....enjoying the view (of the snow covered mountains) from the comfort of a bush seat
Church was a special time of sharing..... fellowship, talents, stories and testimonies of how God has been working in people's lives. The music team shared their talents in beautifully leading the singing; the drama team provided an entertaining story of Moses and the Israelites in the wilderness for the children; Liam E and the 'two Pages' shared some reflections of life at Wagga Christian College and how God has been working in their lives before a couple of Poatina residents shared their stories too. We were amazed to hear of how our college had impacted the life of one Tasmanian family. Remember all the snow that Tassie had when we were down here last year? A family from Launceston had come to the mountains to see the snow and were staying in Poatina at the same time that we were here. They came along to church, met our students, and were amazed at their friendliness, honesty and the way they embraced the whole community aspect of Poatina. Our students became a part of the way that God brought this family to selling their home in Launceston, and moving to Poatina, which they said has been a transforming journey for them! 

The children's talk/drama highlighted how God cares for us and is looking after us. We can get very anxious about many (important) things, and God says "I have got it....just trust me". The Israelites were worried about how they would get food and water out in the desert.....and God provided. Ali challenged us on where our focus was.... what does it mean to be 'great'? She spoke of a story that has come out of the Olympics of one of the members of the Refugee team and how she is an Olympic hero even though she hasn't won any medals. Inspiring........ Challenging......

Fellowshipping after church
Poatina is becoming well known for the resident artists and the work they are producing. A glass blowing studio has been developed and we were able to experience first hand the amazing process of transforming molten glass into beautiful creations....some more beautiful than others! Those of us who had a 'hands on' experience realised very quickly that it looks easier than it is, and had a greater appreciation of the talent and skill that the artists have in being able to create the things they do. Just giving you the heads up Mr Crick.....Cloe has already requested a furnace for the D&T room! Perhaps it could go alongside the Pizza 'furnace'?

In good company watching the glass blowing display
After lunch, it was time to get to work! Every month there is a big community working bee, and with the saying 'many hands make light work' we were all put to good use.... By the end of the afternoon, we had created a huge bonfire with all the scrap timber that had been cleaned up from backyards and community areas. Pity we couldn't enjoy the rewards of sitting around the bonfire....too windy!


  1. Looks like another awesome day. Danika I hope you learnt how to use those gardening gloves, we are looking forward to you giving us a demonstration when you get home. Love from everyone, especially Chilli xxx

    1. Love it πŸ˜‚
      Did you learn to garden to Emma ? I reckon a demonstration is an awesome idea Nicole hahaha.... Priceless πŸ‘Œ

    2. Maybe we could get the girls together for a combined demonstration. I'm sure we could find a suitable garden for them to attack πŸ˜‚

  2. Hi squad girls,

    Can you please get Paige to photo bomb facing the camera, I know you can do it you're the Bae !! Cloe great idea about the glass blowing for D & T :) Amazing to see that we have so many musically talented in our cohort, Thankyou for the service you are doing as representatives for the school. It is far better to serve than to be served upon. May you continue to grow in your journey knowing God. Pip (the dog) needs lots of virtual hugs, she got into a fight on the oval and came off the worse. Dad let her sleep on the lounge last night I am continually laying hands on her for healing Mark 16. Has Jacob made in roads into the fruitcake ? Glad to see the birthday girl is a featured in the photos. Happy birthday twinie daughter !! We will have takeaway Chinese on your behalf, who wants honey chicken ? Hope you guys are managing to learn something today whilst you visit the historical places in Tassie, we don't want you to have too much fun. Thanks for all the photos, keep them coming. Have a great day Pudgie xox Love Mum and Pip (we are home alone) Dad has gone to the farm.

  3. Happy birthday adopted daughter Ella. What a great way to spend your birthday surrounded by an amazing backdrop and friends. Chloe hopefully didn't burst with excitement before she gave you your present. Unusual not to see you in any pics Chloe knowing how notorious you are for photo bombing πŸ˜€ dad's off to the footy in Canberra tonight with Brett. Love you lots love mum & dad

  4. Happy birthday adopted daughter Ella. What a great way to spend your birthday surrounded by an amazing backdrop and friends. Chloe hopefully didn't burst with excitement before she gave you your present. Unusual not to see you in any pics Chloe knowing how notorious you are for photo bombing πŸ˜€ dad's off to the footy in Canberra tonight with Brett. Love you lots love mum & dad

    1. Kimmie sounds like you guys are having a lot of "date nights" did expect though that it would be the boys off to the footy lol seems really tough with the kids away !

  5. Hi Zahra, it's Mum coming to you from downtown Griffith! Hope you are enjoying yourself and taking lots of photos to share with us when you get home. Grandma and Pop say a big Hello.
    Love you heaps,

  6. Looks fun and Amazing, hope tomorrow rewards you with great weather again .
    Amy Combs

  7. What a lovely time you have had at Tasmania .hello Calvin missing you lots.from Abigail πŸ˜„πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Ž

  8. Hi Matilda
    How was your day? Although we can see the amazing activities, we haven't been able to see you yet (except your back)- maybe you could just give us a thumbs up in a photo? And how are your friends? Hope they're having a great time too!:) We are getting ready tonight for Kie coming tomorrow- we tried to learn a crash course of Japanese on the weekend but you know what I'm like learning languages (Dad did well though)! We are all missing you heaps and praying for you xx
    PS Tim said to tell you the blender is working now after the wall incident.......

    1. Hey, yeah i am having a great time, my friends are great too. Hope the blender is ok, i was looking forward to making a smoothie when i got home, oh well, haha. You know i dont like getting in photos, but ill try :) Welcome Kie from me and have fun with her. Im having a great time, miss you and ill see you in a few days :)

    2. So cool to have a Japanese exchange student come to stay. Maybe Kie chan can teach you how to make sushi !! Itadakimasu (let's it) Gochisoosama (thanks after eating)

  9. Hi Emma, looks like you're having loads of fun by seeing the photos of all your class activities πŸ˜€πŸ‘ Nice to see you singing πŸ‘
    Can't believe it's been 4 days, we all miss you ( yes we do !!!) keep the photos coming as its so nice for all the parents to see their child smiling & enjoying this amazing trip πŸ‘πŸ˜€ Take care Emma love Mum, Dad, Georgia & Jacob xoxoxoxo

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Mildog, Indi here.......AGAIN! Hope you enjoyed your time at Poatina. Missing you and praying for you! Cant wait for tomorrows blog! Wish I was there with you (might have to sneak me into your suitcase next time)! Not much happening at home though doing a lot on the house, the bricks are probably going to all be on the house by Friday!!! Cant wait till you come home!
    Love Indi plus family! (PS Might ask mum if i can sneak into a suitcase, come to Tasmania and surprise you)!

  12. Caleb, Caleb, are you there? It's your turn to clear the table.

    Love Mum:)

  13. Hey Liam - good to see a photo of you - looks like you were working hard ! Love your smile ! Ps - hope you are taking some good photos. Enjoy.

  14. Hi Leah, so lovely to see your beaming smile. We hope you have managed to take a few photos. It looks so beautiful. Enjoy your adventures. Love you, miss you. Bye. Love Dad, Mum, Jk, Bek & sammy xxπŸ˜‰

  15. Chris, you crack me up ! That was the best birthday giggle ever. Must be too many potato farmers down there in Tassie. It's enough to scare the Tassie devils away ...

  16. Hey Ella, Hoping that you are having an amazing day! I have been thinking about you lots, and remembering what an amazing time i had. I hope you had/or will have an amazing time on the zip line, and i sure hope you remember the tips i gave you to go fast. Hope you have an awesome time.
    Love ya heaps, and hopefully i have embarresed my little sis, Charlie.

  17. Hey Danika S :-) Good to see you singing and it looks like your having an amazing time! Dad & Caitlin.
