Thursday, August 18, 2016

Counting down.....

.....the number of hours until we are back on the mainland, and the number of hours until the 'front' comes through! The weather has continued to bless us, and let's hope we can complete 'the crossing' before the conditions change....! But before we got to the boat, we toured downtown Hobart, the town  of Ross, Cataract Gorge in Launceston, and to finish the last day in Tassie, the Ashgrove Cheese factory near Devonport. 

Constitution dock in Hobart
Mt Wellington in Hobart....which is expected to be covered in snow in the next couple of days!
Morning tea in the historic village of Ross
The chips were amazing and very popular..... great 'sharing' food! 
All aboard 'baby bus' (with 'mummy bus' in front!)
Some of the crew with 'Steve-the-(baby)bus-driver'
Mrs Meyer after visiting the 'Tasmanian Wool Centre' in Ross 
Crossing Cataract Gorge
Stretching our legs 
The group....
The gorge...
A perfect photo opportunity for the budding photographers in the group
Checking out one of the cows at Ashgrove
Checking out another cow.....
Afternoon tea anyone?
Well... the time had come to finish our time off in Tassie with a celebratory meal in Devonport before boarding the bus....a double celebration as we sang Mrs Meyer 'Happy Birthday'! As a stimulus for dinner time conversation, Mr G challenged us to reflect on the things that had impacted us most during the trip. Lots of excited chatter.... on various topics!

Down in 'the bowels of the boat' retrieving a missing bag from the bus! 
The excited chatter continued as we waited in the terminal lounge, dosing up on Travel calm in preparation for the crossing....expecting a strong wind from the north so its best to be prepared!
Everyone settled in to various activities on the boat very quickly, with many choosing to look for Dory in cinema 2. The rest of us enjoyed each others company either playing games, or retiring 'early'. In a conversation with one of the stewards after curfew, she couldn't believe there was a group of 53 Year 9 school students on board!!....she hadn't heard a thing !(I take that to mean any sort of commotion) Everyone was tucked up in their cabins by 10pm and settled in to sleep very quickly, much to the relief of all the teachers! Homeward bound......


  1. Welcome back to Wagga Wagga year 9 !! Awesome photos once again. I hope you have a great rest over the weekend. I no longer need to be a serial blogger, thanks for returning our children back safely. Special thanks to Mr Gilmour and Mrs Myers, Mr Hancock, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Jobson. Hey everyone you can look forward to getting your naplan results on Monday !! Woot woot. Hope you all recover from your colds and don't get too much of a sugar fix from the lollies jars from Richmond lolly shoppe. Hugs and kisses ! Yay Pudgie is back !!! Xox

  2. Wow, absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.

