Tuesday, August 16, 2016

On the move again.....

Our time at Poatina has come to an end....today it was time to head south to explore an interesting part of Tasmania. We headed up over the 'Western Tiers', through the area of 'Great Lakes' and down to Brighton where we visited Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. There was definitely more than one disappointed person on the bus(es) when we didn't find any snow left on the mountains as we went over them. Once we had wound our way up to the top, driving along the plateau provided an opportunity to put a DVD on for the first time in the trip. The film 'For The Term of His Natural Life' is based on a true story of a (wrongly) convicted person who ended up in Port Arthur. It begins the process of 'bringing to life' the stories and tales of this period of Australia's history. First stop for the day ended up being the wildlife park, so everyone was quite 'relieved' to get off the bus(es)! 

An informative tour of the park introduced us up close to a number of special animals, before we were 'let loose' with the kangaroos.....Mrs Azar's child studies students were revelling in the opportunity to pat the joeys while in their mother's pouches!

A short drive brought us to the beautiful historic town of Richmond where we descended upon the bakery for lunch! For Danika, it was a perfect opportunity to spend time with her Grandmother who travelled from Hobart to meet with her. Old Hobart Town is a miniature replica village of Hobart in it's early days. An interactive activity enticed the kids to look really carefully at the scene in an attempt to find all the clues....a little bit of competitiveness goes a long way, especially when lollies are the reward!

Another opportunity to 'hit the shops' just about 'cleaned out' most of the kids, but they were really excited to share their 'finds' and who they were for. It was lovely to hear about all the thought and effort that had gone into deciding upon the different purchases, showing evidence of the care and love they each had for family members.....so special! A walk across the oldest bridge in Australia, built in 1825 by convicts, took us to St Johns church; in the early days Richmond was en-route between Hobart and Port Arthur. 

The students arrived at the church, where they took the opportunity to just sit and quietly reflect on their environment....this was too good an opportunity to pass up for Alexander. He seized the moment, and at an opportune time, took the lead and began a 'sermon' on the 12 stations of the cross, using the 12 pictures around the walls to re-tell the story in detail. Everyone was amazed at his ingenuity and caution to detail, even if some of the details were more-or-less how he imagined them to be rather than how they perhaps actually were! 

Tonight was the last night where we spent time reflecting on anxiety/fear. To finish off, a Q&A panel  was made up of the teachers. Everyone had an opportunity to write a question down and submit it anonymously. The questions could be about anything, so naturally there was a real variety in the topics....a great opportunity for the kids to ask something they had been contemplating but couldn't quite bring themselves to ask someone, and also a great opportunity for the teachers to offer their thoughts and wisdom based on years of 'life experience' and their own spiritual journey. Many of the kids' questions reflected a deep desire to 'know' their purpose, and to 'know' how to make a difference in other peoples lives.....what a blessing to be engaging with kids who, at this stage of their life, already see the importance of this!


  1. So super jealous of all the wonderful sites you've visited. Man has been following the blog Chloe and has been reminiscing on her travels there. We're so excited to see you tomorrow and hear all the details. Hope you had fun at your talent night. Love you flim flam 😘😍

  2. AND I've finally worked out where who the internet quota hog is around here. The culprit shall remain un-named but she's not in Tasmania!
    Luv, Dad

  3. Nice work with the Blogs and pics. We feel we are travelling with you. Stoked you got to see you grandmother Danika. I got an email from Rio today from a friend who heard how much the people at Poatina loved having you there. Now that's cool!!

    So lovely to hear about the devotions and the heart of our great Year 9'ers.
    Safe travel. You may just sneak it into Port Phillip Bay before the front hits you.

  4. How much can a koala bare ? Obviously from all the cuddles, strokes and pats on the back the animals are enjoying all the attention you guys are giving them. Woah ! You even got to see some Tassie Devils of you own, after all those swinging tree monkeys from the day before. My mouth is watering thinking of homemade meat pies and sausage rolls. Hands up if vanilla slice is your favourite too ? It was great that Danika got to spend some precious time with her grandmother. Hmm last day in Tassie for you guys and soon you'll be in your own beds again (minus the pets and siblings who are keeping the beds warm whilst you are away) Speaking of animals Pip is enjoying the sunshine and has started to move around more, after her nasty fight on the oval. Paige I'm sure she'll be wagging her tail for you when you come home ! I pray that your friendships have deepened and your faith in Christ has developed more as you reflect on the gifts you have been given, and the sense of your purpose in life has become a bit more clearer. Today being Thurs, Uncle Wade, Dad and I went to the sheep sales in Wagga Wagga. I was reminded how the word of God says "My sheep hear my voice" I pray too that you have been hearing him speak to you in your times of devotions, the quiet times thanking him for the creation and creatures you've experienced on this trip. May you all enjoy catching the boat again (Spirit of Tasmania) as I'm not quite expecting you to have learnt to be like Peter and walk on water just yet !! But maybe for some you have stepped out of the boat more and put more and more of your trust in Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, that's what I call faith !! Believing Jesus. Lots of hugs and kisses Pudgie xox

    PS Simone Biles won the individual floor 15.966. I guess you are excited to getting back to gym training !! After all the "flipping" fun that you've been having :)

  5. Hi Matilda
    Not sure if it is too late to send this because tonight you will be on the boat. We are so looking forward to tomorrow - we have missed you heaps!! It looks like you did lots of fun things and we can't wait to hear about it! Dad has a very sore knee and ankle so don't be surprised if he is on crutches when we pick you up. Should be ok soon.
    Tim said to tell you the ninjas took back the blender!?!
    Love you heaps, say hi to your friends, praying for you all, Mum xx

  6. Hi Matilda
    Not sure if it is too late to send this because tonight you will be on the boat. We are so looking forward to tomorrow - we have missed you heaps!! It looks like you did lots of fun things and we can't wait to hear about it! Dad has a very sore knee and ankle so don't be surprised if he is on crutches when we pick you up. Should be ok soon.
    Tim said to tell you the ninjas took back the blender!?!
    Love you heaps, say hi to your friends, praying for you all, Mum xx

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