Monday, August 15, 2016

Time to be adventurous

Guess whose birthday it is today?
Year 9 students from Wagga Wagga Christian College have been coming to Tasmania for 19 years now! (Mrs Meyer has been on 16 of these trips! and while we are talking statistics, Eric-the-bus-driver has driven every one of those trips!!) Over the years the itinerary has been 'tweaked' regularly until now we have pretty much the same itinerary every year because it is so good and 'works' so well. However, every year we seem to do something a little different so that we can say "it is the first time we...." This year we were able to say "it is the first time we have brought two buses over" and after today, we are able to say "it is the first time we have gone to Launceston to see the monkeys and visit the Design centre. (Mr Crick.... I hope you are reading this and feeling very jealous....because you should be!) One of the mainstays of the Gallery is the furniture exhibition made from Tasmanian timbers, many of which were very innovative and creative in their design. This addition to the itinerary was a 'spontaneous' inclusion (thank you to Eric-the-tour-guide) as we had a spare hour to occupy on the way to our adventure activity. Of course, it made a lot of sense to visit the 'experts' for some tips before we spent the afternoon swinging through the trees ourselves!

Not sure which side of the glass the monkeys are?
An 'evolving' bench seat....
A 'rocking' lounge....
A 'rocking' chair....
Everyone (well....perhaps nearly everyone) had been looking forward to the Treetops adventure activity, and the time had finally come to 'belt up' and 'buckle in' for an experience of a lifetime. Those in the group who were a little apprehensive did really well at over coming their fears and managed to complete the loop....once you start there's no turning back! There are 7 'zip lines' of varying lengths, the longest being 400m that follows a beautiful mountain stream, and at the highest point we were 50m above the river, travelling up to 60km/hr! It was a very tired but satisfied bunch of kids (and teachers) that pulled back into Poatina for dinner after 6pm. 

Each evening after dinner we have been looking at anxiety and how this affects each of us; what are we afraid of and what these fears tell us about what is important to us. It is a time of reflecting and sharing as we look to the bible for wisdom and encouragement. Afterwards we get to enjoy reading out all the comments that have been posted on the blog each day before supper. Tonights supper was a special occasion as we celebrated a birthday......!


  1. Wow, what an amazing time you all seem to be having. But something tells me you already know that. Miss Paige B, the house is very quiet without you and our Olympic tragics have not gotten any better. Can't wait to see all the pics and hear about the wonderful adventures. mom and dad p.s you need to come home soon as your brother keeps asking where you are?

  2. We are missing you Ella - but are enjoying the glimpses of everyone's amazing adventures!!! Dad is wondering if you are needing anyone to help you wake up in the mornings?? Louis is tracking your travels on the map. We can't wait to hear your stories when you arrive home! Love from us all, Dad, Mum, Charlie, Ned, Louis and Rosie xx

  3. Squad girls are GO, I hope you have recovered from the zip line. I guess you guys travelled faster than Usain Bolt on in his 100 m Gold medal win. Looks like it was AWESOME. Still no photo bombs of Pudgie :( I took Pip (the dog) for a drive to The Rock today, she is still not putting much weight on her front paws. I spoilt her and gave her some bacon. We then went to visit Nan at the nursing home. The carer said she was very sleepy today. She ate all her chicken vegie soup as well as her pears and custard. I'm guessing nobody is going hungry whilst on the trip. What has been your favourite meal so far ? The caramel, choc, macadamia gateaux dessert last night was delicious, Dad had two slices !! I guess he was eating your piece. The weather is beautiful and sunny in Wagga Wagga today it topped 19degrees. I love the photos of you all "swinging in the trees" if it all gets too much just say "Not my monkeys, not my circus" Happy birthday again Ella. Not many get to say I took my year group to Tassie for my birthday !! I hope you all are getting plenty of sleep ?? Love Ms Regie xox

    1. Hey I need to wear my glasses !! I found you in a photo at last. I'm playing hide and seek ... Still seeking to find more photos of you. Thanks for the photo. Thanks Mrs Myers or whoever is writing the blog each night. I read it with my morning cuppa, far better than the newspaper. BTW Mr Bacon and a couple of the kids made Prime7 news last night on the telly. Paige we recorded some more gymnastics for you last night. It was the vault finals. I hope both you and Sam are staying flexible and strong. Keep practising the splits etc .. When you get time. Love Mum xox

  4. Looks like you had an awesome day yesterday. Cloe, Will is missing you and he has been regularly knocking on your bedroom door. Enjoy the rest of your holiday/excursion to Tassie.
    Love Mum, Dad, Mikayla, Trai, Kye & Will. Xoxo

  5. Hi Danika, so jealous it looks like the zip-line is a lot prettier than the one in Newcastle. Wish I was there! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Hope you had fun catching up with Helen today. Miss you, love mum xxx

  6. Hey Jakey!!!!!
    It looks like you are having the time of your life (as i said you would). I hope you really enjoyed the Treetops adventure......cause i definately did and i cant see why you wouldnt!!!! Haha and Mr. Crick being jealous about you going to the Design Center in Launceston....bruh i so am aswell, im hoping you have taken lots of pics for me. You and your year group are in my prayers constantly
    I love you and miss you like mad Jakey
    P.s Happy Birthday Ella!!!!! What an awesome birthday to have in Tasmania with your year group!!!!
    P.s Hey girlies (you know who you are) i hope you guys are having the time of your lives. Miss you all xxx

  7. Oh and Jakey (i didn't knkw how to edit my previous comment) there is a surprise here for you at home (it isnt very big so dont get excited)

  8. Oh and Jakey (i didn't knkw how to edit my previous comment) there is a surprise here for you at home (it isnt very big so dont get excited)

  9. The zip line looks like so much fun! Trust you to be just 'hanging' around Paddy😆😂 I've been spamming your Snapchat Cj so you'll be amused when you get home. I've also been cranking Brooklyn duo in the car to get my piano fix 🎹 both dad and I miss you but so happy to see your amazing adventure, even Sue came for an update yesterday. Love you and see you in 3 sleeps 😴💜

  10. The zip line looks like so much fun! Trust you to be just 'hanging' around Paddy😆😂 I've been spamming your Snapchat Cj so you'll be amused when you get home. I've also been cranking Brooklyn duo in the car to get my piano fix 🎹 both dad and I miss you but so happy to see your amazing adventure, even Sue came for an update yesterday. Love you and see you in 3 sleeps 😴💜

  11. Hey Ella, Hoping that you are having an amazing day! I have been thinking about you lots, and remembering what an amazing time i had. I hope you had/or will have an amazing time on the zip line, and i sure hope you remember the tips i gave you to go fast. Hope you have an awesome time.
    Love ya heaps, and hopefully i have embarresed my little sis, Charlie

  12. Hey Alexander and Mum, That looks so cool! Christopher, Holly and I think the zip line looks awesome. Great photo's too! Christopher says: "YO LOL". Love you guys, Dad and kids.

  13. Hey Liam, great work sharing with the others about how God is working in your life: we have been loving watching it for years. What a great way to use that excess hot air: for glass-blowing. The house is so quiet that Cam says he will forgive you whatever annoying things you do to him when you come back: he just wants you here! The cats were looking hungry - until we realised that you weren't here to feed them! The council have reported that Mankeys are taking over Victory Memorial Gardens without you around to catch 'em all. Love you: Mum, Dad, Marcus, Cam.

  14. hey all, still looks like amazing fun and some really cool bonding is happening. NOBODY looks like they are homesick yet (sad face) !
    LiamP, keep soaking up the life experiences mate, i can't wait to hear all the stories when you get back. it's been strange not hearing music in the house - next time you go away can you record a bit of stuff for us, even mr bigglesworth is puzzled about how quiet it is. okay take care, we look forward to the next instalment of adventures tomorrow. love, Dad.

  15. Hey Alexa! We were scrolling through the photo's hoping to get another glimpse of you and there you were, hanging from the zip line! Looks amazing and you totally nailed it WOOHOO!! We know you're having the best time down there and can't wait to hear all about it on Friday. It was Oma's birthday today and it just wasn't the same singing happy birthday to her without you :( Dad's been busy making our costumes for Saturday night, they're starting to look really good now. Oh and in the spirit of doing things while her big sister is away, Ava now says Aaron and Hello! Love reading about all your adventures and can't wait to see you soon. Love heaps - Mum, Dad, Aaron and Ava xxxx

  16. How awesome does your day look guys!!! The zip line adventure would have been amazing. I hope everyone is really loving this trip and appreciating the bond you kids all have. Christian College friendships last a life time and one day, a long time from now, you will look back on this week and remember how special it was.
    We look forward to reading all about today's travels. We miss you Tyler. Can't wait to hear all about this week when you get back mate. LOVE YOU TYLER XxXxX ( there's that embarrassing post you were waiting for) haha xx

  17. hey sis (for teachers its for Matilda) its Tim, Kie came today and brought gifts!! We went to Carvin It Up for din dins and it tasted like tasteless dirt but it was different because it was burnt tasteless dirt! We met a weird guy with a dog that vomited in Dominoes and he said "Dominoes use stuff in the sauce that makes it spew and asked if mum was in a union and asked if we were going home and said "bye beautiful Asian" (to Kie)....weird. Missing you lots and I was more excited than mum and dad to see you in a photo. The treetop thing looked cool and I'm wobbly jelly.
    Hi - Mum here - so happy to see you having fun! Thanks so much for your reply! Kie is lovely! Praying for you all and missing you xx
    PS from Tim - Your whale ate the sandwich so I can't see your apple any more. I wish you could come to my house next tomorrow.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hi Brianna had trouble with first message now trying again looks like you are having a really good time thankyou for calling us we are very proud of you cant wait to see more photos oh yeah sis says she misses you I think she is board cause she has no one to annoy love mum dad & sis 😊❤

  20. Hey, these school excursions are great! No homework dramas, no having to repeat myself at bed time, no threatening to confiscate the iPod "until the HSC is over", no school lunch to make, one less person to find around the house to kiss goodbye in the mornings...etc.

  21. Hi Allie, the house feels quite empty without you around! Missing you but its good to see you are having good weather and lots of fun together. Teresia is accustomed to the fact that you are away, but I'm sure you will have a big welcome long as she is not watching Peppa Pig when you arrive...! Love Mum

  22. Hey Ali! Looks like so much fun! Can't wait to hear all about it. Dad says keep well and we'll see you soon. Oh and don't forget to brush your teeth! �� Here is a message from Vita: "Ozy'e qzcrpe xj rtqe" I'm pretty sure she stuffed this up and it doesn't make any sense but I'm sure you can guess what she is talking about! �� "pyuzj esp cpde zq jzfc ecta!" Love ya Hon! Jasi xo

  23. Hi Ellen, I miss you so much. There are only two sleeps left and I get to see you. Love Tahlia

    Hi Ellen, I can see from the photos that you are all having a fabulous experience. Looking forward to hearing about it when you arrive home on Friday. Lots of love mum!

  24. Hi Leah, the Bomb Squad won !!!! Only 2 more sleeps til we get to see you again. We can't wait. Love you always. Love from Dad, mum, jake, Bekah & sammmy. Xxxxxx

  25. Hi Jacob, looks like your having a great time. Cant believe its already Wednesday night! Hope you enjoy your last day is Tassie - any spending money left?? :) Look forward to seeing you on Friday, xo mum
