Friday, August 12, 2016


And we're off! For a 'little' moment there, I thought we might have been nursing some of the students on our laps as we tried to find seats for everyone! But..... it was all 'in hand' and we managed to find a seat for everyone, with 1 seat spare for 'the meds' (aka the medicine box). It certainly didn't take long for everyone to feel quite at home, enjoying each others company, and the running 'hysterical' commentary from Eric-the-bus-driver.....that would be the commentary associated with the 8 day 'history' lesson.

Too cute.....and I'm not just talking about the buses!
First stop was Beechworth for morning tea, not that the lolly shop provides the 'best' sort of sustenance for morning tea. However, I'm thinking that it was the most frequented site, followed by the more appropriate choice of the bakery. Coffee for the adults in the group was a definite 'must'! While we're on the topic of food, lunch was 'somewhere' on the side of the road.....although you will be pleased to know that we did find a safe spot to pullover, that had the essential amenities requirements! This also gave us the opportunity to have the first of many' 'changeovers' as we swapped bodies around between the two buses. 

We know we must be getting close when we can see, and feel, the water..... dinner on the beach gave everyone a chance to 'feel' the ground once more before boarding the boat and gaining their 'sea legs'.

Albert Park Jetty
Who's excited?

Loving the adventure....
Sitting pretty....
There it is!
Nearly time....
All aboard!
On board entertainment
With just under an hour to go until 'curfew' everyone is enjoying exploring the boat and trying their hand at all the on board activities. There is a real sense of adventure as choices are made about how, or where, to spend the evening in the many communal 'areas' on the boat. The refurbishment 12 months ago certainly has improved the options available.
Maybe not enough room to 'swing a cat' but you can always try.... and 'pull a bow'
Oops....the gentle 'rocking' has just started! Lets hope it stays that way! According to Mrs Meyer, you just need to think of it as your mother rocking you to sleep! On that note, I think it is time to say 'goodnight' and lets hope it is followed by 'sleep tight'!
Now we are definitely off....and sailing


  1. Some great pics already. Looks like they've settled in well to their adventure. Love that you wore your Connie's Cj, easy to pick out 😀

  2. How exciting guys! You are all in our prayers- smooth sailing, looking forward to what tomorrow brings . . . Thanks Mr Gilmour, Me Hancock, Mrs Meyer and Mrs Anderson ��

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Paige and Sam, Simone won the all round individual Gold !! I was expecting to see you doing handstands at the beach :) Ok who was the biggest snorer who kept their friends awake ? Have a good sleep !! Thanks for the photos.

  5. Have an amazing adventure and enjoy the ride! I love you guys and wish I was there with you to experience this once in a lifetime event. I hope you have a blast and don't spend all your money at the lollie shops!

    -Mr Leon

  6. You guys look like you are having the absolute time of your lives already!!!!!! I really hope all you guys enjoy it and maybe you will be lucky enough to see snow!!! You guys are in my prayers.
    P.s. Jakey (see told ya i would do this) are you missing home yet? I know we are missing you. Safe travels all of you.
    - Bethany M.

  7. I miss you Emmy Wemmieeee!
    I hope you are having fun! Jacob and I are in Melbourne waiting to go to the Swans game now! Pity we didn't go yesterday, we would have seen you in Melbourne before you got on the boat!
    Be safe and have LOTS OF FUN!!!!
    Love Myrtle Turtle (Georgia)

    1. Hope you enjoyed the boat ride darling xx love mum 😘🚢

  8. Hey Milla its Indi here! Hope you are having a awesome time!!! Its hard being the eldest one around here!!! Miss you soooooooo much!!!!! Wanted to tell you that North Melbourne lost to Hawks by 39 points :( I won my netball game by a point!! And your netball team lost unfortunately it was like 18 to 30 something mum thinks! Also Macy is missing you so much that she is going into your room and sleeping in there!! She is in there right now! Hope your not to cold and saw some snow today! We are all missing you and praying for you!
    Love Indi plus family!!

  9. Hi Zahra, This is Giaan, hope your having a great time, its only been one day and we are missing you already,I have taken over your role of feeding the cats. Hope you had lots of fun at the snow and didn't get sick!!! have fun and don't forget we love you!!

    p.s. jagger misses you!!!!

  10. Hey Paige b, Looks like you are having a great time. Just wanted to let you know GWS lost on the siren by a point after leading the whole game. Enjoy dad

  11. Hey Junior. You look like you're having a great time. Emma says 'goo'. Butchy says, "I'm hungry". Sashy is enjoying your bed. It's good to see you got some FIFA time on the boat. Joe's team drew with the top of the ladder today (he scored two goals). Hope the finger is up to playing guitar. Stay warm, be a blessing, we'll post more later. We miss you. GLN.

  12. Caleb Skewes, we cannot stress this enough: KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED, YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU WILL RUN INTO GERTRUDE!!!
    Hope your having a heap of fun!
    From Beth and Emily ;)

  13. We saw some small patches of snow yesterday. While having breakfast we are looking up at the snow on the mountains though the big window. It snowed there last night. we are hoping to drive up the mountain in a few days to see some more snow.

  14. Dear Hayley,
    We miss you heaps already. We has a pretty good time on the boat. only Zac Ceccato vomited. Alexa vomited in the bus. Mr G threw snow at people yesterday while we were going for a walk. Record what happens with the olympics for us.
    lots of love,
    The Squad

    1. Hey Squad girls,

      Hope you make lots of good memories on this trip, develop your friendships to last a lifetime. Stay flexible and practise your strength. Perhaps Paige and Sam you need do the splits whilst watching TV or chilling out ! Squad Mum xox love you !

  15. The face Caleb. The face. Hahahahahaha.


  16. Hi Ellen, hope you are having fun. Dad wanted to let you know Junee Jags lost 2-1 against the top team. Tahlia is missing you. However, we know you are exploring some old territory and learning about new places we did not visit. Enjoy yourself. Love the Family

  17. Hi Leah, the Bomb Squad won. Only 2 more sleeps til we see you 😂 luv you, miss you. Xx love from us all xx

  18. Hi Leah, the Bomb Squad won. Only 2 more sleeps til we see you 😂 luv you, miss you. Xx love from us all xx

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