Saturday, August 13, 2016

Here we are.... the end of our first day in Tassie, sitting around a toasty fire, listening to the wind howling (outside...thankfully) and to Ali, one of the long term residents of Poatina. She is introducing us to the people and purpose of the community where we are blessed to be for the next few days. Right from when we drove into town a couple of hours ago, people on the street were waving to us, greeting us and welcoming us into their community. She is reminding us of the importance of 'community'..... of getting to know each other, caring for and serving each other. 

What a great way to begin our journey of 'community' as Year 9's in Tassie. Although..... perhaps after two days packed into buses and squeezed into tiny boat cabins, perhaps it is about continuing our journey of 'community' rather than beginning it! But I'm getting ahead of myself....back to the beginning of the day. Our 5:45am wake up call introduced us to a glorious sunny morning in Devonport. At the risk of spoiling the start of a great day, we descended upon a 'famous Scottish restaurant' for breakfast. For 1 person in the group, it was a chance to replenish 'supplies' lost overnight as a result of the 'gentle' rocking to sleep.

Good morning!
The first time we got to stretch our legs was in the town of Sheffield, the town of murals. This town was on the verge of 'dying' before it was rescued by a group of artists painting the town's history on walls all around the town. Since that time, many tourists make this town an important part of their itinerary, helping to keep it vibrant and alive. Our kids have made their own contribution, many using the opportunity to purchase souvenirs and gifts to take home.

From Sheffield we headed up the mountain to Cradle Mountain National Park. By this time, we knew why we had to bring all our 'winter woolies'! Hotdogs warmed our tummies, while the extra layers warmed our bodies. After lunch we were taken on a (very informative) tour of the area, trying to catch a glimpse of the famous landform despite the low cloud.

Dove lake with Cradle mountain in the fog behind...
Layering up!
We did get to catch a glimpse of some snow.....

It doesn't take much snow to make a snowball.... 
.....and have a fight!!

Some of the action....

Learning about the World Heritage listed site
Some of the amazing Tassie scenery...
...and more of the same
....but so different!


  1. Looks chilly! Maybe the shorts have been packed away now?!

  2. Wow looks very pretty, but freezing! Hope you got the chance to take some pics Mill Mill! Hope you had a good trip over...look forward to hearing about tomorrow's adventure :) Love u xx
    PS: Swans are smashing the Sainters tonight

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! You guys are so lucky with this amazing adventure. Chloe we miss you and love you lots. Had to have Dinner with Brett and Jules so we weren't lonely 😁 Paddy mum and dad say hi ,😛

    1. Hi mummy and daddy it's Chloe, i miss you guys too and love you guys super so much! Having a great time here yet can't wait to see you! Hope the girls and fudge are good.
      see you soon!! xoxox

    2. So good to hear from you princess. We hope the church service went well this morning. We know how much you'd be missing piano so would have loved playing today. Girls are good with fudge enjoying a lazy Sunday today with us. Dragons won last night yay! Keep having an amazing time we love you super so much xoxoxo

  5. Hello peeps, Glad to hear you have found your land legs again and you've walked off your hotdogs by now. Good to see the Aldi ski gear is getting a workout. Can we get a photo of those who have the same jackets and gloves ? Still cannot find you Paige, so I need you to photo bomb a little bit more please so that Pip (the dog) won't miss you too much. Big shout out to your twinie (Ella Fitz) as we have the same birthday on Monday 15th August. Happy birthday to you Ella, eat a slice of cake for me too. I hope the church service goes well and the people of Poatina enjoy the fruitcake, if you happen to find it one of the large icecream containers. I hope Jacob Mills manages to get a slice, it's his fav and he loves to eat !! We are having beautiful sunny weather here in Wagga. Hope you guys are managing to stay warm. Paige is a cold frog at the best of times. Ok kiddiewinkles remember to stay warm by putting on your thermals, be on your best behaviour, wash behind your ears, and do not share toothbrushes. Love Mum xox

  6. Hi Guys,
    Looks like you're having a wonderful time so far. We are loving the photos and updates.
    Stay warm and take care of each other on this exciting adventure. We miss you Tyler. Do some photo bombing with Paige so we can see your face. 😜😆
    Love Mum, Dad, Coop & Lilli xxxx

  7. Hello everybody,
    Looks like everyone is enjoying themselves :) loving the pics ! Princess Leah we hope you are staying warm. Sammy says he hopes you are enjoying your trip to Tasmania. Bekah has slept in your bed Ha Ha .The Hi-Flyers won. We miss & love you so very much Bibbi. Hope the music went well in church. P.S. Remember your plates this time. Love and miss you heaps and heaps. Have fun
    Love Dad, Mum, Jake, Bekah, Sammy, Tim Tam & Goldie

  8. Leah, sorry mum just used your account already logged in from last year for Jake. xx

  9. JAKEY!!!!!! YOU SAW SNOW!!!! Yay! You are now officially the only child in our household to see snow!!! Hope you are warm enough. I betcha your shorts arent being used. Love you and miss you xoxoxox
    P.s had the Combs over for dinner last night Jake. And i have to say. It was different without you and Calvin.

  10. JAKEY!!!!!! YOU SAW SNOW!!!! Yay! You are now officially the only child in our household to see snow!!! Hope you are warm enough. I betcha your shorts arent being used. Love you and miss you xoxoxox
    P.s had the Combs over for dinner last night Jake. And i have to say. It was different without you and Calvin.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Zach, we hope you're having a great time. It's terrific to see that you actually got some snow. Hoping that you really enjoy your time in Poatina and we can't wait to hear about your experiences.Dad, Mum, Nic and Sam

  13. Hi Alexa, looks like you are having a great time (not in enough pics though ha) and we haven't even embarrassed you yet ;) We got Doofy back from band camp last night so it is back to crazy live action here again :) Be good and we all miss you...Ni night Boogie Woogie Smoochy Woochy Pie from Mum, Dad, Doofy and Ava xx

  14. Hey Liam H hope you are having a great time- it's so quite at home. Thumbs up to the teachers because we have found all our phone chargers - and I am even using my iPad ! Love the pics of Eric the awesome driving everyone to the snow it looks cold - have fun ��

  15. hi everyone from mrs perry, the canteen is very quiet without you all! i would have posted before now, but i was so lonely in the house that we just had to get away , so we have been in canberra for the last 2 days (trying to experience the cold with you all ) and we couldn't access our computer to send anything. BUT, we have just now been checking all the messages and the pics from every day, and it looks like you are having great adventures. stay warm,stay safe and have FUN. I miss you Liam, and Dad would tell you how much he misses you too, but he can't stop crying long enough to get it out. keep the pics up! love from mrs perry.

  16. Hi Matilda
    Well your technologically challenged parents finally found out how to do the comments thanks to the wonderful Beth Mills! We thought we just got to see the photos (and couldn't message you) and all we saw was the back of you:) We have been praying for you and missing you! We have sabotaged your room in preparation for the Japanese exchange teacher and hoping you recognise it when you get home:)
    Love you heaps and heaps and yes - it has been a very long weekend without you and no doubt longer week! Enjoy yourself and give our love to all your friends as well xxx (From Mum, Dad and Tim)
    PS from Tim- he wants to let you know there may or may not be a hole in your wall :s

  17. HEY Z
    STILL WAITING!!! Feels like forever since you've been gone. We are missing you more than ever and I just can't handle you not being here with us!!It's so weird not having you! I lost my last game of netball against North Wagga. We all love you sooo much and can't wait until you come home!
    love from William and Giaan
    p.s.jagger misses you!!!!!!!!!

  18. Hi Cloe
    Two wins yesterday in the netball!
    Good to see a couple of photos of you.
    Enjoy the remainder of your excursion.
    Miss you��
    All our love & Best wishes.
    Mum, Dad, Mikayla, Trai, Kye & Will.

    1. I'm using your account!!!
      It changed my smiley faces to question marks.

  19. Hello Em De'lem eheh... Oh wow it's all looking so cold be absolutely awesome ❄️💨☃😀👌
    Hope you are have a great time so far my Miss Em, it is very quiet here without you 😘
    Enjoy your dads home state 😀👍
    Love you from Mum xx

  20. To Ella Fitzy
    A big Happy 15th Birthday to our beautiful Ella!
    It's hard for all of us at home to not be able to see you on your special day today but I know your friends will make today very special for you.
    We hope you have a amazing day & make lots of memories.
    We can't wait to see you on Friday
    Love you
    Mum,dad,Brayden,Kaylem & buddy xxxxx

  21. Hey Caby, just wanted to let you know that crazy things are happening here: Moo-Moo had twins, Beth played soccer and the Bombers had a win.
    We miss your hugs and Emma sends you a big smile.

  22. Hey Alexander (and Mum), looks like everyone is having a great time. Stay warm down there. Lots of love from Dad, Amy, Holly, Christopher and Ellie!

  23. Hoping that you are keeping warm! Love from all of us.

  24. hey Zahra, Its "G"
    I hope you're having an excellent time, I can't wait until you get home, its not the same without you.
    we have seen all the places you've been to on the blog, looks like so much fun!, I wish I was with you every day because I like!!!!!!!
