Sunday, August 13, 2017


We had a relatively quiet day today at the Poatina Christian Community. The students helped run Sunday School this morning, including all the music. After that we had a demonstration of glassware craft which was very interesting. Then it was a BBQ for lunch. In the afternoon students did some volunteer work to help the community out. This was followed by a roast dinner in the restaurant and currently Mr Bacon is running through their workbooks with them. Tomorrow we will be doing the Zip line on the other side of Launceston ('Lonnie'). We will also have a look at a Zoo in town. Hope you enjoy the pics. We have 105 followers but not many comments yet. It would be great if you could make some comments and send some messages, so I can publicly embarrass your children with them! Worked well on Zac, Cindy!

 A plate is born!
 Nice view for a BBQ.

 The worm has turned...


  1. That worm is so gross Soph, love the photo bomb in the background Ellie Shepherd 😂😂😂

  2. Hi Jordo, looks like your having a great time, working hard and glad you got to see snow! Missing you at home....hopefully Jacob will have your room cleaned before you get home. Xo mum

  3. Thanks so much for the updates and photos. Its great to see that everyone is having a fabulous time and that none of the students have self combusted due to lack of electronic devices or social media :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Can't wait to see pics of this crazy treetops stuff. Yes, as mentioned - a week without devices - Happy detox!

  6. Looking forward to you guys doing some glass blowing. Looks great, do you need a lot of hot air?

  7. Chris your team beat Tumut without you

  8. Loving the photos :)
    Good to see you've made friends with the local worms Soph.

  9. Hey Paul...we missed you when we all got together in Dubbo on the weekend, but knew that you would be having a great time anyway. It looks like you got your wish and can say that you got to the snow this year after all...perhaps not quite enough to consider getting the board out?

  10. Great to see everyone doing so well. It certainly looks like an adventure for all. Imagine catching up with my old mate Russell at Poatina. Before that, he was at Nhulunbuy where the Baertschi family has moved to with the Missionary Aviation Fellowship. The staff is praying for safety and growth each day. How are the devotions going?

  11. Thanks so much for the updates and photos. Its great to see that everyone is enjoying
