Tuesday, August 15, 2017


We traveled from Poatina to The Blue Lagoon Christian Camp and Conference Centre today. Blue Lagoon is about 20 Ks east of Hobart and on the way to Port Arthur. Along the way we stopped at the Bonorong Wildlife centre at Brighton which has a fine collection of Australian native animals including Tassie Devils, Wombats, Bettongs, Kangaroos, Cape Barren Geese etc. Then it was on to Richmond for a pre-ordered lunch of pies. After lunch we had a look at Old Hobart Town which is an exact scaled model of Hobart in the early 1800s. Then we wandered around the rest of Richmond for a while, inspecting Australia's oldest bridge and Catholic church. We arrived at Blue Lagoon at about 4:30 PM and spent the rest of the afternoon playing Basketball, Pool and Table Tennis, before enjoying a meal at 6PM. Tomorrow will be a highlight as we travel to Port Arthur for a tour, and do a boat trip up the Eastern side of the Tasman peninsula. I must say that I have been really impressed with the behaviour of all of the students so far. They did an excellent job of cleaning up this morning at Poatina, and we have had no major issues at all. I hate to say it Mr Gilmour, but they have been even better than last years group (touch wood!). Everyone we have met along the way has been impressed with them, as a group of Year 9 students (and I don't give out bouquets easily, as Year 9 well knows!)
Mr H
 Dinner at Blue Lagoon.
 " The just shall live by faith"
 Richmond Bridge
 Haven't had to bite anybody yet!
 Kicked the bucket!
 Escaped convicts!
 Richmond Bakery
 Anthropomorphism?                (It's LIAM  and Moses!)
 "If I wanted a cracker I would have asked for one!"
 We know!
 Tassie Devil?   
"She cant fly, but I'm tellin you....

 Brandon the Echidna (Lot's of quills)
 Koalas can get sleepy during the day, not too good at schoolwork then either!

 Goodbye, day old chick!
 More Tassie Devils
 Scratch my backside Darcy, old dear!
Wombats can use their large bony backsides as a defensive weapon!
 Just for Cath!
The final product (glass bowl) at Poatina


  1. Hi Eliza nice photo of you with the tassie devil sign.Miss you Nan.

  2. Good to see Anastacia's far off blank look travels with her and isn't just reserved for her mother's lectures.

  3. Hi Liam, Dad quick to notice you have the camera out! Good news, Swans had the biggest win of the season. Shaun excelling at looking after your phone, Sherrif pines for you at 6pm daily and I'm enjoying the chance to miss you. Love Mum

  4. Cool Tassy wildlife encounter ! Please say hi to tassy devil for me Chen. Lol ! Love dad Noel

  5. Glad to hear that Year 9 are impressing you Mr H! Got to say I'm pretty proud of them and miss their smiling (cheeky) faces around the place! Stay safe everyone! 'SOHCAHTOA' to my Maths class! ❤️ Miss M

  6. Glad to hear you guys are having fun and everyone is behaving, enjoy the rest of your trip 😊

  7. Hey Maddie, Belle here. I think the cat peed in your room - only kidding. Can't wait till you get home.

  8. Man of Custard missing you. And for the rest of you guys you seem to be having a great time, can't wait to see you back in science and I mean that most insincerely. Maddie just a bit of advice. If you remove the air from the cat you won't have any more troubles, flat cats are so much easier to look after.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey bro, hope you're having an awesome time, and that your hand isn't hurting too much :)) you look like you're having fun :)

  11. Love hearing about great behavior and encouraging comments from other people. You really are a pretty cool bunch. 😜

  12. Very helpful suggestions that help in the optimizing website. thank for sharing the link.

