Saturday, August 12, 2017


Off the boat, Cradle Mountain, Sheffield. Snow, Snow, and more Snow!

                                                                          Maddie being cool!    
                                                                     Frozen Bacon!
Snow wouldn't melt in her mouth!

                                         Khiara, Dove Lake and what should be Cradle Mountain.
                                                                      Snow Bunnies
                                                        Hard night on a rocky boat!
                                          Ellie about to get her first taste of snow.....literally!
Latest batch of convicts to embark in Tassie. Many thinking of staying permanently. At least they wouldn't have to cross Bass straight again!
When Darcy rode the mural!
                                                                  8 boys Sk8ting?


  1. Enjoying and appreciating updates and pics thanks. Maddie, this dog snored so loud last night I might have to repaint the ceiling. Dad. Scott

  2. And let me guess, my son is running around in shorts 😄. Loving the photos. Thanks heaps.

  3. Photos are awesome, I look forward to checking them out each day and also puts my motherly worry at ease 😂 Glad to see Ellie having an awesome time, and she can now say she has been to the snow, must say it's mighty quiet back here at home though lol but we do Miss you Ells Belles 😘
