Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday 2

Some random comments from students:

"Eye-opening and life changing excursion"
"The Tassie trip was like a Midsummer nights dream"
My peers are just like the sun. They all shine brightly, even at night times when you cant see them. I'm alright because I know they will be there again tomorrow morning" Sarah
"This has been the best eek of my life. I have done so many amazing things with so many amazing people".
"Simply enjoyable. Made memories for life  <3 p="">"So amazing. Best memories ever!""

We do have some very literary students in Year 9!

Talent quest photos:
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  1. Ellie doing one of her favourite things, applying makeup to people, great job Ell 😊

  2. Zac you look a bit rugged up there mate, don't tell me you finally got cold!! 😜

  3. Nothing like a bit of Bollywood to get you going.

  4. Not too sure about the makeup caper Sunny

  5. Wish to acknowledge and say thanks to each and every teacher on the trip.

  6. Nice work team.
    Looking fine Sunny.
    Miss you Soph.
    Have a safe trip back tonight :)
    God bless

  7. Hi Year 9! Just a message to wish you safe travels as you begin the journey home tonight. Looks like you've been making the most of your time together, can't wait to hear your stories! So heartwarming to read some comments on how special this trip has been for you all, God bless :) Karabella.
    PS: message from my sister Pepper to Ara & Angela: hi girls! miss you both so much, also Indi snored the other night and it reminded me of you Ara haha. love you, safe trip. x

  8. What a nice blog post! This is a fantastic pictures. students want to travel with group then book this with educational field trips
